The Art of Making Money
The Story of a Master Counterfeiter
There were two things Art Williams never had enough of growing up poor on Chicago’s South Side: his father, who left the family when he was 11, and money. His quest for both would merge at the age of 16, when his mom’s boyfriend—a master counterfeiter—instructed him in the age-old criminal craft. Art would go on to become one of the most skilled counterfeiters of the last 25 years, creating a near-perfect replica of the most secure US bill ever made: the 1996 New Note. The success brought him a lifestyle he had only dreamed about as a child, but he risked everything in an attempt to reconnect with the father who had left him long ago.
In the tradition of propulsive true-crime narratives like Bruce Porter’s Blow and Frank Abagnale Jr’s Catch Me if You Can, The Art of Making Money takes the reader on a wild, fascinating ride through the rarefied world of a master criminal. At the same time it is an emotionally compelling look at the relationships between crime and family, and the destructiveness of greed. Williams's interior journey—that of a damaged man searching for an idyllic family that never really existed—will be familiar to many.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Wallace Wattles Has Been Dead Over 90 Years ...
Yet Everyday Someone Else Discovers His Secrets and Go On To Be a Millionaire!
From The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles - Chapter One
Your Right to Be Rich
Whatever may be said in praise of poverty, the fact remains that it is not possible to live a really complete or successful life unless one is rich.
No man can rise to his greatest possible height in talent or soul development unless he has plenty of money; for to unfold the soul and to develop talent he must have many things to use, and he cannot have these things unless he has money with which to buy them.
Man develops in mind, soul, and body by making use of things, and society is so organized that man must have money in order to become the possessor of things; therefore, the basis of all advancement for man must be the science of getting rich.
The object of all life is development; and everything that lives has an alienable right to all the development it is capable of attaining.
Man's right to life means his right to have the free and unrestricted use of all the things which may be necessary to his fullest mental, spiritual, and physical unfoldment; or, in other words, his right to be rich.
In this book (The Science of Getting Rich), I shall not speak of riches in a figurative way; to be really rich does not mean to be satisfied or contented with a little. No man ought to be satisfied with a little if he is capable of using and enjoying more.
The purpose of Nature is the advancement and unfoldment of life; every man should have all that can contribute to the power, elegance, beauty, and richness of life; to be content with less is sinful.
The man who owns all he wants for the living of all the life he is capable of living is rich, and no man who has not plenty of money can have all he wants.
Life has advanced so far, and become so complex, that even the most ordinary man or woman requires a great amount of wealth in order to live in a manner that even approaches completeness.
Every person naturally wants to become all that he is capable of becoming; this desire to realize innate possibilities is inherent in human nature; we cannot help wanting to be all that we can be.
Success in life is becoming what you want to be; you can become what you want to be only by making use of things, and you can have the free use of things only as you become rich enough to buy them. To understand the science of getting rich is therefore the most essential of all knowledge.
There is nothing wrong in wanting to get rich. The desire for riches is really the desire for a richer, fuller, and more abundant life, and that desire is praiseworthy. The man who does not desire to live more abundantly is abnormal, and so the man who does not desire to have money enough to buy all he wants is abnormal.
There are three motives for which we live: we live for the body, we live for the mind, we live for the soul. No one of these is better or holier than the others; all are alike desirable, and no one of the three - body, mind or soul - can live fully if either of the others is cut short of full life and expression.
It is not right or noble to live only for the soul and deny mind or body, and it is wrong to live for the intellect and deny body and soul.
We are all acquainted with the loathsome consequences of living for the body and denying both mind and soul; we see that real life means the complete expression of all that man can give forth through body, mind and soul.
Whatever he may say, no man can be really happy or satisfied unless his body is living fully in every function, and unless the same is true of his mind and his soul. Wherever there is unexpressed possibility, or function not performed, there is unsatisfied desire. Desire is possibility seeking expression, or function seeking performance.
Man cannot live fully in body without good food, comfortable clothing and warm shelter, and without freedom from excessive toil. Rest and recreation are also necessary to his physical life.
He cannot live fully in mind without books and time to study them, without opportunity for travel and observation, or without intellectual companionship.
To live fully in mind he must have intellectual recreations, and must surround himself with all the objects of art and beauty he is capable of using and appreciating.
To live fully in soul, man must have love, and love is denied expression by poverty.
Man's highest happiness is found in the bestowal of benefits on those he loves; love finds its most natural and spontaneous expression in giving. The man who has nothing to give cannot fill his place as a husband or father, as a citizen, or as a man. It is in the use of material things that man finds full life for his body, develops his mind, and unfolds his soul. It is therefore of supreme importance to him that he should be rich.
It is perfectly right that you should desire to be rich; if you are a normal man or woman you cannot help doing so. It is perfectly right that you should give your best attention to the Science of Getting Rich, for it is the noblest and most necessary of all studies.
If you neglect this study, you are derelict in your duty to yourself, to God, and to humanity; for you can render God and humanity no greater service than to make the most of yourself.
The above is Chapter One of The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles. Buy the complete e-book from this website. Click here.
For more information on Wallace Wattles see our affiliate website at
Yet Everyday Someone Else Discovers His Secrets and Go On To Be a Millionaire!
From The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles - Chapter One
Your Right to Be Rich
Whatever may be said in praise of poverty, the fact remains that it is not possible to live a really complete or successful life unless one is rich.
No man can rise to his greatest possible height in talent or soul development unless he has plenty of money; for to unfold the soul and to develop talent he must have many things to use, and he cannot have these things unless he has money with which to buy them.
Man develops in mind, soul, and body by making use of things, and society is so organized that man must have money in order to become the possessor of things; therefore, the basis of all advancement for man must be the science of getting rich.
The object of all life is development; and everything that lives has an alienable right to all the development it is capable of attaining.
Man's right to life means his right to have the free and unrestricted use of all the things which may be necessary to his fullest mental, spiritual, and physical unfoldment; or, in other words, his right to be rich.
In this book (The Science of Getting Rich), I shall not speak of riches in a figurative way; to be really rich does not mean to be satisfied or contented with a little. No man ought to be satisfied with a little if he is capable of using and enjoying more.
The purpose of Nature is the advancement and unfoldment of life; every man should have all that can contribute to the power, elegance, beauty, and richness of life; to be content with less is sinful.
The man who owns all he wants for the living of all the life he is capable of living is rich, and no man who has not plenty of money can have all he wants.
Life has advanced so far, and become so complex, that even the most ordinary man or woman requires a great amount of wealth in order to live in a manner that even approaches completeness.
Every person naturally wants to become all that he is capable of becoming; this desire to realize innate possibilities is inherent in human nature; we cannot help wanting to be all that we can be.
Success in life is becoming what you want to be; you can become what you want to be only by making use of things, and you can have the free use of things only as you become rich enough to buy them. To understand the science of getting rich is therefore the most essential of all knowledge.
There is nothing wrong in wanting to get rich. The desire for riches is really the desire for a richer, fuller, and more abundant life, and that desire is praiseworthy. The man who does not desire to live more abundantly is abnormal, and so the man who does not desire to have money enough to buy all he wants is abnormal.
There are three motives for which we live: we live for the body, we live for the mind, we live for the soul. No one of these is better or holier than the others; all are alike desirable, and no one of the three - body, mind or soul - can live fully if either of the others is cut short of full life and expression.
It is not right or noble to live only for the soul and deny mind or body, and it is wrong to live for the intellect and deny body and soul.
We are all acquainted with the loathsome consequences of living for the body and denying both mind and soul; we see that real life means the complete expression of all that man can give forth through body, mind and soul.
Whatever he may say, no man can be really happy or satisfied unless his body is living fully in every function, and unless the same is true of his mind and his soul. Wherever there is unexpressed possibility, or function not performed, there is unsatisfied desire. Desire is possibility seeking expression, or function seeking performance.
Man cannot live fully in body without good food, comfortable clothing and warm shelter, and without freedom from excessive toil. Rest and recreation are also necessary to his physical life.
He cannot live fully in mind without books and time to study them, without opportunity for travel and observation, or without intellectual companionship.
To live fully in mind he must have intellectual recreations, and must surround himself with all the objects of art and beauty he is capable of using and appreciating.
To live fully in soul, man must have love, and love is denied expression by poverty.
Man's highest happiness is found in the bestowal of benefits on those he loves; love finds its most natural and spontaneous expression in giving. The man who has nothing to give cannot fill his place as a husband or father, as a citizen, or as a man. It is in the use of material things that man finds full life for his body, develops his mind, and unfolds his soul. It is therefore of supreme importance to him that he should be rich.
It is perfectly right that you should desire to be rich; if you are a normal man or woman you cannot help doing so. It is perfectly right that you should give your best attention to the Science of Getting Rich, for it is the noblest and most necessary of all studies.
If you neglect this study, you are derelict in your duty to yourself, to God, and to humanity; for you can render God and humanity no greater service than to make the most of yourself.
The above is Chapter One of The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles. Buy the complete e-book from this website. Click here.
For more information on Wallace Wattles see our affiliate website at
Presuppositions of Wealth ...
These Thoughts Will Help You Build Your Wealth
These presuppositions may true. They may not be true. It doesn't matter.
Because if you will act as if they are true will change your actions and results.
Before we discuss the presuppositions of wealth, we should define "presupposition." We should also talk about the value of having and using the presuppositions of wealth.
A presupposition is another word for assumption. Like it or not we all have our own presuppositions. We do not normally know what they are because we have unconsciously accepted them. By consciously creating our presuppositions we can beginning to accept the beliefs and assumptions that will be more successful for us.
Take the example where someone operates from the presupposition/assumption that, " You can't make money unless you have money." Anyone holding this assumption, and not having any money, would not allow that person do anything that would take money to get started.
Why not hold presuppositions that actually HELP you create more wealth? Why keep old presuppositions that stop you from reaching your potential?
Consider These Presuppositions of Wealth
The dominate force in your life are the thoughts that you continually entertain. You become what you think about. Thoughts are things.
Wealth is a habit.
Your situation will not change until you change.
The only limits that you have to your potential are the limits that you yourself place upon yourself.
You cannot change anything unless you are aware of it and acknowledge it.
You can make a living with your hands but you can become wealthy by using your mind.
Your money can work harder than you can - put your money to work for you.
The key to wealth is effective money management.
If you do not know who you are or what you want out of life - nothing else really matters.
You life goes where your energy flows.
Your awareness and assessments about life - both conscious and unconscious - determines what actions you will take.
Financial Intelligence is more important than Intelligence Quotient (!.Q.).
Nothing happens until you take action.
If someone else can do what you want to do - you can do it too.
It is thought investment that money is converted to wealth.
When your monthly passive income equals or exceeds you monthly expenses - you are financially free. You no longer have to work.
The best investment you can make is an investment in yourself.
Actions to Take:
Stop and think about some of your assumptions about making money and being prosperous. Write them down leaving space under each assumption.
Under each assumption write down how this assumption holds you back from building wealth.
Which of the above Presuppositions of Wealth would help you achieve your financial goals.
Write down the 5 presuppositions that you will now begin using in your life. Commit to acting on the new presuppositions. Check you progress daily for 21 days.
Write down the another 5 presuppositions. Commit to acting on these new presuppositions. Check you progress daily for 21 days.
Continue to change the presuppositions that hold you back.
Prosperity is a state of Mind.
Once you have it you will never fear lack.
What to Do To Make Yourself Wealthy - the
Outer Game of Wealth
What is the Outer Game of Wealth?
Six Levels of Money Mastery
Money or Finance?
H. L. Hunt's Advice - How to be a billionaire.
More articles are being added regularly.
Copyright © Inc.
site developed by
These Thoughts Will Help You Build Your Wealth
These presuppositions may true. They may not be true. It doesn't matter.
Because if you will act as if they are true will change your actions and results.
Before we discuss the presuppositions of wealth, we should define "presupposition." We should also talk about the value of having and using the presuppositions of wealth.
A presupposition is another word for assumption. Like it or not we all have our own presuppositions. We do not normally know what they are because we have unconsciously accepted them. By consciously creating our presuppositions we can beginning to accept the beliefs and assumptions that will be more successful for us.
Take the example where someone operates from the presupposition/assumption that, " You can't make money unless you have money." Anyone holding this assumption, and not having any money, would not allow that person do anything that would take money to get started.
Why not hold presuppositions that actually HELP you create more wealth? Why keep old presuppositions that stop you from reaching your potential?
Consider These Presuppositions of Wealth
The dominate force in your life are the thoughts that you continually entertain. You become what you think about. Thoughts are things.
Wealth is a habit.
Your situation will not change until you change.
The only limits that you have to your potential are the limits that you yourself place upon yourself.
You cannot change anything unless you are aware of it and acknowledge it.
You can make a living with your hands but you can become wealthy by using your mind.
Your money can work harder than you can - put your money to work for you.
The key to wealth is effective money management.
If you do not know who you are or what you want out of life - nothing else really matters.
You life goes where your energy flows.
Your awareness and assessments about life - both conscious and unconscious - determines what actions you will take.
Financial Intelligence is more important than Intelligence Quotient (!.Q.).
Nothing happens until you take action.
If someone else can do what you want to do - you can do it too.
It is thought investment that money is converted to wealth.
When your monthly passive income equals or exceeds you monthly expenses - you are financially free. You no longer have to work.
The best investment you can make is an investment in yourself.
Actions to Take:
Stop and think about some of your assumptions about making money and being prosperous. Write them down leaving space under each assumption.
Under each assumption write down how this assumption holds you back from building wealth.
Which of the above Presuppositions of Wealth would help you achieve your financial goals.
Write down the 5 presuppositions that you will now begin using in your life. Commit to acting on the new presuppositions. Check you progress daily for 21 days.
Write down the another 5 presuppositions. Commit to acting on these new presuppositions. Check you progress daily for 21 days.
Continue to change the presuppositions that hold you back.
Prosperity is a state of Mind.
Once you have it you will never fear lack.
What to Do To Make Yourself Wealthy - the
Outer Game of Wealth
What is the Outer Game of Wealth?
Six Levels of Money Mastery
Money or Finance?
H. L. Hunt's Advice - How to be a billionaire.
More articles are being added regularly.
Copyright © Inc.
site developed by
Thoughts determine actions
Presuppositions of Wealth ...
These Thoughts Will Help You Build Your Wealth
These presuppositions may true. They may not be true. It doesn't matter.
Because if you will act as if they are true will change your actions and results.
Before we discuss the presuppositions of wealth, we should define "presupposition." We should also talk about the value of having and using the presuppositions of wealth.
A presupposition is another word for assumption. Like it or not we all have our own presuppositions. We do not normally know what they are because we have unconsciously accepted them. By consciously creating our presuppositions we can beginning to accept the beliefs and assumptions that will be more successful for us.
Take the example where someone operates from the presupposition/assumption that, " You can't make money unless you have money." Anyone holding this assumption, and not having any money, would not allow that person do anything that would take money to get started.
Why not hold presuppositions that actually HELP you create more wealth? Why keep old presuppositions that stop you from reaching your potential?
Consider These Presuppositions of Wealth
The dominate force in your life are the thoughts that you continually entertain. You become what you think about. Thoughts are things.
Wealth is a habit.
Your situation will not change until you change.
The only limits that you have to your potential are the limits that you yourself place upon yourself.
You cannot change anything unless you are aware of it and acknowledge it.
You can make a living with your hands but you can become wealthy by using your mind.
Your money can work harder than you can - put your money to work for you.
The key to wealth is effective money management.
If you do not know who you are or what you want out of life - nothing else really matters.
You life goes where your energy flows.
Your awareness and assessments about life - both conscious and unconscious - determines what actions you will take.
Financial Intelligence is more important than Intelligence Quotient (!.Q.).
Nothing happens until you take action.
If someone else can do what you want to do - you can do it too.
It is thought investment that money is converted to wealth.
When your monthly passive income equals or exceeds you monthly expenses - you are financially free. You no longer have to work.
The best investment you can make is an investment in yourself.
Actions to Take:
Stop and think about some of your assumptions about making money and being prosperous. Write them down leaving space under each assumption.
Under each assumption write down how this assumption holds you back from building wealth.
Which of the above Presuppositions of Wealth would help you achieve your financial goals.
Write down the 5 presuppositions that you will now begin using in your life. Commit to acting on the new presuppositions. Check you progress daily for 21 days.
Write down the another 5 presuppositions. Commit to acting on these new presuppositions. Check you progress daily for 21 days.
Continue to change the presuppositions that hold you back.
Prosperity is a state of Mind.
Once you have it you will never fear lack.
What to Do To Make Yourself Wealthy - the
Outer Game of Wealth
What is the Outer Game of Wealth?
Six Levels of Money Mastery
Money or Finance?
H. L. Hunt's Advice - How to be a billionaire.
More articles are being added regularly.
Thoughts determine actions
Presuppositions of Wealth ...
These Thoughts Will Help You Build Your Wealth
These presuppositions may true. They may not be true. It doesn't matter.
Because if you will act as if they are true will change your actions and results.
Before we discuss the presuppositions of wealth, we should define "presupposition." We should also talk about the value of having and using the presuppositions of wealth.
A presupposition is another word for assumption. Like it or not we all have our own presuppositions. We do not normally know what they are because we have unconsciously accepted them. By consciously creating our presuppositions we can beginning to accept the beliefs and assumptions that will be more successful for us.
Take the example where someone operates from the presupposition/assumption that, " You can't make money unless you have money." Anyone holding this assumption, and not having any money, would not allow that person do anything that would take money to get started.
Why not hold presuppositions that actually HELP you create more wealth? Why keep old presuppositions that stop you from reaching your potential?
Consider These Presuppositions of Wealth
The dominate force in your life are the thoughts that you continually entertain. You become what you think about. Thoughts are things.
Wealth is a habit.
Your situation will not change until you change.
The only limits that you have to your potential are the limits that you yourself place upon yourself.
You cannot change anything unless you are aware of it and acknowledge it.
You can make a living with your hands but you can become wealthy by using your mind.
Your money can work harder than you can - put your money to work for you.
The key to wealth is effective money management.
If you do not know who you are or what you want out of life - nothing else really matters.
You life goes where your energy flows.
Your awareness and assessments about life - both conscious and unconscious - determines what actions you will take.
Financial Intelligence is more important than Intelligence Quotient (!.Q.).
Nothing happens until you take action.
If someone else can do what you want to do - you can do it too.
It is thought investment that money is converted to wealth.
When your monthly passive income equals or exceeds you monthly expenses - you are financially free. You no longer have to work.
The best investment you can make is an investment in yourself.
Actions to Take:
Stop and think about some of your assumptions about making money and being prosperous. Write them down leaving space under each assumption.
Under each assumption write down how this assumption holds you back from building wealth.
Which of the above Presuppositions of Wealth would help you achieve your financial goals.
Write down the 5 presuppositions that you will now begin using in your life. Commit to acting on the new presuppositions. Check you progress daily for 21 days.
Write down the another 5 presuppositions. Commit to acting on these new presuppositions. Check you progress daily for 21 days.
Continue to change the presuppositions that hold you back.
Prosperity is a state of Mind.
Once you have it you will never fear lack.
What to Do To Make Yourself Wealthy - the
Outer Game of Wealth
What is the Outer Game of Wealth?
Six Levels of Money Mastery
Money or Finance?
H. L. Hunt's Advice - How to be a billionaire.
More articles are being added regularly.
Presuppositions of Wealth ...
These Thoughts Will Help You Build Your Wealth
These presuppositions may true. They may not be true. It doesn't matter.
Because if you will act as if they are true will change your actions and results.
Before we discuss the presuppositions of wealth, we should define "presupposition." We should also talk about the value of having and using the presuppositions of wealth.
A presupposition is another word for assumption. Like it or not we all have our own presuppositions. We do not normally know what they are because we have unconsciously accepted them. By consciously creating our presuppositions we can beginning to accept the beliefs and assumptions that will be more successful for us.
Take the example where someone operates from the presupposition/assumption that, " You can't make money unless you have money." Anyone holding this assumption, and not having any money, would not allow that person do anything that would take money to get started.
Why not hold presuppositions that actually HELP you create more wealth? Why keep old presuppositions that stop you from reaching your potential?
Consider These Presuppositions of Wealth
The dominate force in your life are the thoughts that you continually entertain. You become what you think about. Thoughts are things.
Wealth is a habit.
Your situation will not change until you change.
The only limits that you have to your potential are the limits that you yourself place upon yourself.
You cannot change anything unless you are aware of it and acknowledge it.
You can make a living with your hands but you can become wealthy by using your mind.
Your money can work harder than you can - put your money to work for you.
The key to wealth is effective money management.
If you do not know who you are or what you want out of life - nothing else really matters.
You life goes where your energy flows.
Your awareness and assessments about life - both conscious and unconscious - determines what actions you will take.
Financial Intelligence is more important than Intelligence Quotient (!.Q.).
Nothing happens until you take action.
If someone else can do what you want to do - you can do it too.
It is thought investment that money is converted to wealth.
When your monthly passive income equals or exceeds you monthly expenses - you are financially free. You no longer have to work.
The best investment you can make is an investment in yourself.
Actions to Take:
Stop and think about some of your assumptions about making money and being prosperous. Write them down leaving space under each assumption.
Under each assumption write down how this assumption holds you back from building wealth.
Which of the above Presuppositions of Wealth would help you achieve your financial goals.
Write down the 5 presuppositions that you will now begin using in your life. Commit to acting on the new presuppositions. Check you progress daily for 21 days.
Write down the another 5 presuppositions. Commit to acting on these new presuppositions. Check you progress daily for 21 days.
Continue to change the presuppositions that hold you back.
Prosperity is a state of Mind.
Once you have it you will never fear lack.
What to Do To Make Yourself Wealthy - the
Outer Game of Wealth
What is the Outer Game of Wealth?
Six Levels of Money Mastery
Money or Finance?
H. L. Hunt's Advice - How to be a billionaire.
More articles are being added regularly.
Thoughts determine actions
Presuppositions of Wealth ...
These Thoughts Will Help You Build Your Wealth
These presuppositions may true. They may not be true. It doesn't matter.
Because if you will act as if they are true will change your actions and results.
Before we discuss the presuppositions of wealth, we should define "presupposition." We should also talk about the value of having and using the presuppositions of wealth.
A presupposition is another word for assumption. Like it or not we all have our own presuppositions. We do not normally know what they are because we have unconsciously accepted them. By consciously creating our presuppositions we can beginning to accept the beliefs and assumptions that will be more successful for us.
Take the example where someone operates from the presupposition/assumption that, " You can't make money unless you have money." Anyone holding this assumption, and not having any money, would not allow that person do anything that would take money to get started.
Why not hold presuppositions that actually HELP you create more wealth? Why keep old presuppositions that stop you from reaching your potential?
Consider These Presuppositions of Wealth
The dominate force in your life are the thoughts that you continually entertain. You become what you think about. Thoughts are things.
Wealth is a habit.
Your situation will not change until you change.
The only limits that you have to your potential are the limits that you yourself place upon yourself.
You cannot change anything unless you are aware of it and acknowledge it.
You can make a living with your hands but you can become wealthy by using your mind.
Your money can work harder than you can - put your money to work for you.
The key to wealth is effective money management.
If you do not know who you are or what you want out of life - nothing else really matters.
You life goes where your energy flows.
Your awareness and assessments about life - both conscious and unconscious - determines what actions you will take.
Financial Intelligence is more important than Intelligence Quotient (!.Q.).
Nothing happens until you take action.
If someone else can do what you want to do - you can do it too.
It is thought investment that money is converted to wealth.
When your monthly passive income equals or exceeds you monthly expenses - you are financially free. You no longer have to work.
The best investment you can make is an investment in yourself.
Actions to Take:
Stop and think about some of your assumptions about making money and being prosperous. Write them down leaving space under each assumption.
Under each assumption write down how this assumption holds you back from building wealth.
Which of the above Presuppositions of Wealth would help you achieve your financial goals.
Write down the 5 presuppositions that you will now begin using in your life. Commit to acting on the new presuppositions. Check you progress daily for 21 days.
Write down the another 5 presuppositions. Commit to acting on these new presuppositions. Check you progress daily for 21 days.
Continue to change the presuppositions that hold you back.
Prosperity is a state of Mind.
Once you have it you will never fear lack.
What to Do To Make Yourself Wealthy - the
Outer Game of Wealth
What is the Outer Game of Wealth?
Six Levels of Money Mastery
Money or Finance?
H. L. Hunt's Advice - How to be a billionaire.
More articles are being added regularly.
The Power of Thoughts
That you can change yourself, improve yourself, recreate yourself, control you environment and master your own destiny is the conclusion of every mind who is wide-awake to the power of right thought in constructive action.
In fact, it is the conviction of all such minds that you can do practically anything within the possibilities of the human domain when you know how to think, and that you can secure almost any result desired when you learn how to think for results.
You are as your think, and what you do is the result of the sum total of your thought.
You become what you think about. - Earl Nightingale
Life consists of what a man is thinking about all day. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The actions of men are the best interpretations of their thoughts. - John Locke
You are today where your thoughts have brought you. You will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you. - James Allen (As a Man Thinketh)
Nothing limits achievement like small thinking; Nothing expands possibilities like unleashed thinking. - William Ward.
As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. - Proverbs 23:7
All that we are is the result of what we have thought. - Buddha
Our life is what our thoughts make it. - Marcus Aurelius
Belief (confident thought) creates the actual fact. - William James
Thought means life, since those who do not think do not live in any high or real sense. Thinking makes the man. - Amos Alcott
Thoughts rule the world. - Emerson
The men of action are, after all, only the unconscious instruments of the men of thought. Henrich Heine.
There is no thought in any mind, but it quickly tends to covert itself into power. - Emerson
The ideas and images in men's mind (thoughts) are the invisible powers that constantly govern them. - Jonathon Edwards
Think success, visualize success, and you will set in motion the power force of the realized wish. When the mental picture or attitude is strongly held, it actually seems to control conditions and circumstances. - Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
Success or failure in business is cause more by mental attitudes (thoughts) than by mental capacities. - Dr. Walter Scott
Nurture your mind with great thoughts; to believe in the heroic makes heroes. - Disraeli
It is the habitual thought which frames itself into life. Our confidential friends have not so much to do in shaping our lives as thoughts have which we harbor. - John William Teal
Man, by thinking only becomes man. Take away thought from man's life and what remains. - Johann Pestalozzi
Whether you think you can or think you can't - you are right. - Henry Ford
The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts. - Marcus Antoninus
You have absolute control over one thing, and that is your thoughts. This is the most significant and inspiring of all the facts known to mankind. - Thomas Troward
Wealth is the product of an individual's capacity to think. - Ayn Rand
All that a man calls his world, is but a picture of his thoughts. - Emma Cutis Hopkins
Thoughts are Things. - Prentice Mulford
To become a master of your mind you must think what you want to think, not matter what your surroundings may suggest. And you must continue to think what you want to think until each particular purpose is carried out and every desire is realized. - Christian Larson
The ancestor of every action is a thought. - Emerson
The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them. - Albert Einstein
What you can do or think you can do, begin it. For boldness has magic, power, and genius in it. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
People are just about as happy as they make up their minds (thought) to be. - Abraham Lincoln
We may not be able to change an outer circumstance, but we do have a choice in how we perceive it and react to it. A positive attitude (the habitual way we think) is a powerful thing. - –Hillary Carlip,
Mind is the Master-power that moulds and makes, And Man is Mind, and evermore he takes; The tool of Thought, and, shaping what he wills, Brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills: He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass: Environment is but his looking-glass. - James Allen
Few people think more than two or three times a year; I have made an international reputation for myself by thinking once or twice a week. - George Bernard Shaw
Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine (think) what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will. - George Bernard Shaw
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined (thought). As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler. - Henry David Thoreau
You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you. - James Allen
A new idea (thought) is delicate. It can be killed by a sneer or a yawn; it can be stabbed to death by a joke or worried to death by a frown on the right person's brow. - Charles Brower
I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas (thoughts). I'm frightened of the old ones. - John Cage
If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking. - George S. Patton, Jr.
Discovery consists of looking at the same thing as everyone else does and thinking something different. - Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, 1937 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine
A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices. - William James
A man is not idle because he is absorbed in thought. There is a visible labor and an invisible labor. - Victor Hugo
See Products for ebooks on how thoughts create your reality. For Example:
The Science of Getting Rich.
How to Turn Desires and Ideals into Reality.
The Ideal Made Real.
and Others
That you can change yourself, improve yourself, recreate yourself, control you environment and master your own destiny is the conclusion of every mind who is wide-awake to the power of right thought in constructive action.
In fact, it is the conviction of all such minds that you can do practically anything within the possibilities of the human domain when you know how to think, and that you can secure almost any result desired when you learn how to think for results.
You are as your think, and what you do is the result of the sum total of your thought.
You become what you think about. - Earl Nightingale
Life consists of what a man is thinking about all day. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The actions of men are the best interpretations of their thoughts. - John Locke
You are today where your thoughts have brought you. You will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you. - James Allen (As a Man Thinketh)
Nothing limits achievement like small thinking; Nothing expands possibilities like unleashed thinking. - William Ward.
As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. - Proverbs 23:7
All that we are is the result of what we have thought. - Buddha
Our life is what our thoughts make it. - Marcus Aurelius
Belief (confident thought) creates the actual fact. - William James
Thought means life, since those who do not think do not live in any high or real sense. Thinking makes the man. - Amos Alcott
Thoughts rule the world. - Emerson
The men of action are, after all, only the unconscious instruments of the men of thought. Henrich Heine.
There is no thought in any mind, but it quickly tends to covert itself into power. - Emerson
The ideas and images in men's mind (thoughts) are the invisible powers that constantly govern them. - Jonathon Edwards
Think success, visualize success, and you will set in motion the power force of the realized wish. When the mental picture or attitude is strongly held, it actually seems to control conditions and circumstances. - Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
Success or failure in business is cause more by mental attitudes (thoughts) than by mental capacities. - Dr. Walter Scott
Nurture your mind with great thoughts; to believe in the heroic makes heroes. - Disraeli
It is the habitual thought which frames itself into life. Our confidential friends have not so much to do in shaping our lives as thoughts have which we harbor. - John William Teal
Man, by thinking only becomes man. Take away thought from man's life and what remains. - Johann Pestalozzi
Whether you think you can or think you can't - you are right. - Henry Ford
The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts. - Marcus Antoninus
You have absolute control over one thing, and that is your thoughts. This is the most significant and inspiring of all the facts known to mankind. - Thomas Troward
Wealth is the product of an individual's capacity to think. - Ayn Rand
All that a man calls his world, is but a picture of his thoughts. - Emma Cutis Hopkins
Thoughts are Things. - Prentice Mulford
To become a master of your mind you must think what you want to think, not matter what your surroundings may suggest. And you must continue to think what you want to think until each particular purpose is carried out and every desire is realized. - Christian Larson
The ancestor of every action is a thought. - Emerson
The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them. - Albert Einstein
What you can do or think you can do, begin it. For boldness has magic, power, and genius in it. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
People are just about as happy as they make up their minds (thought) to be. - Abraham Lincoln
We may not be able to change an outer circumstance, but we do have a choice in how we perceive it and react to it. A positive attitude (the habitual way we think) is a powerful thing. - –Hillary Carlip,
Mind is the Master-power that moulds and makes, And Man is Mind, and evermore he takes; The tool of Thought, and, shaping what he wills, Brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills: He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass: Environment is but his looking-glass. - James Allen
Few people think more than two or three times a year; I have made an international reputation for myself by thinking once or twice a week. - George Bernard Shaw
Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine (think) what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will. - George Bernard Shaw
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined (thought). As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler. - Henry David Thoreau
You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you. - James Allen
A new idea (thought) is delicate. It can be killed by a sneer or a yawn; it can be stabbed to death by a joke or worried to death by a frown on the right person's brow. - Charles Brower
I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas (thoughts). I'm frightened of the old ones. - John Cage
If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking. - George S. Patton, Jr.
Discovery consists of looking at the same thing as everyone else does and thinking something different. - Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, 1937 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine
A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices. - William James
A man is not idle because he is absorbed in thought. There is a visible labor and an invisible labor. - Victor Hugo
See Products for ebooks on how thoughts create your reality. For Example:
The Science of Getting Rich.
How to Turn Desires and Ideals into Reality.
The Ideal Made Real.
and Others
An excerpt from
Thinking For Results - Chapter One
by Christian Daa Larson
That man can change himself, improve himself, recreate himself, control his environment and master his own destiny is the conclusion of every mind who is wide-awake to the power of right thought in constructive action.
In fact, it is the conviction of all such minds that man can do practically anything within the possibilities of the human domain when he knows how to think, and that he can secure almost any result desired when he learns how to think for results.
Man is as he thinks he is, and what he does is the result of the sum total of his thought. The average person, however, thinks at random and therefore lives at random and does not know from day to day whether good or evil lies in his path.
What he finds in his path is invariably the result of his own thinking, but as he does not know what results different kinds of thought produce he creates both good and evil daily not knowing that he necessarily does either of these.
When he knows what each mental state will produce, however, and has gained the power to think as he likes under all sorts of circumstances, then he will have fate, destiny, environment, physical conditions, mental conditions, attainments, achievements and in fact everything in his own hands.
It is a well-known fact that we can produce any effect desired when we understand causes, and can master those causes. And as the process of thinking is the one underlying cause in the life of man we naturally become master over all life when we can understand and master the process of thinking.
Each process of thinking produces its own results in mind and body and acts indirectly upon all the actions and efforts of mind and body. Therefore, through adverse thinking almost any undesirable condition may be produced while almost any condition of worth and value can be produced through wholesome thinking.
Certain processes of thought will lead to sickness, others to poverty, while processes of thought that are entirely different from these will lead to health, power and prosperity.
Through chaotic thinking one can bring about years of trouble and misfortune, while through a properly arranged system of thinking one can determine his own future for years and years in advance.
Everything that happens to a man is the result of something that he has done or fails to do. But since both actions and inactions come from corresponding states of mind he can make almost anything happen that he likes when he learns to regulate his thinking. This may seem to be a very strong statement, but the more perfectly we understand the relation of mental action to physical and personal action the more convinced we become that this statement is absolutely true.
Chapter One - Continues ..........
The complete ebook Thinking for Results by Christian Daa Larson is available from the Products Page of this site.
Thinking For Results - Chapter One
by Christian Daa Larson
That man can change himself, improve himself, recreate himself, control his environment and master his own destiny is the conclusion of every mind who is wide-awake to the power of right thought in constructive action.
In fact, it is the conviction of all such minds that man can do practically anything within the possibilities of the human domain when he knows how to think, and that he can secure almost any result desired when he learns how to think for results.
Man is as he thinks he is, and what he does is the result of the sum total of his thought. The average person, however, thinks at random and therefore lives at random and does not know from day to day whether good or evil lies in his path.
What he finds in his path is invariably the result of his own thinking, but as he does not know what results different kinds of thought produce he creates both good and evil daily not knowing that he necessarily does either of these.
When he knows what each mental state will produce, however, and has gained the power to think as he likes under all sorts of circumstances, then he will have fate, destiny, environment, physical conditions, mental conditions, attainments, achievements and in fact everything in his own hands.
It is a well-known fact that we can produce any effect desired when we understand causes, and can master those causes. And as the process of thinking is the one underlying cause in the life of man we naturally become master over all life when we can understand and master the process of thinking.
Each process of thinking produces its own results in mind and body and acts indirectly upon all the actions and efforts of mind and body. Therefore, through adverse thinking almost any undesirable condition may be produced while almost any condition of worth and value can be produced through wholesome thinking.
Certain processes of thought will lead to sickness, others to poverty, while processes of thought that are entirely different from these will lead to health, power and prosperity.
Through chaotic thinking one can bring about years of trouble and misfortune, while through a properly arranged system of thinking one can determine his own future for years and years in advance.
Everything that happens to a man is the result of something that he has done or fails to do. But since both actions and inactions come from corresponding states of mind he can make almost anything happen that he likes when he learns to regulate his thinking. This may seem to be a very strong statement, but the more perfectly we understand the relation of mental action to physical and personal action the more convinced we become that this statement is absolutely true.
Chapter One - Continues ..........
The complete ebook Thinking for Results by Christian Daa Larson is available from the Products Page of this site.
The Secret Psychology of Wealth - the Inner Game of Wealth
Prosperity Consciousness
What is the Inner Game of Wealth?
Thinking For Results
Power of Thought
Presuppositions of Wealth
Your Right To Be Rich
More articles are being added regularly.
You Need to Know This!
What is The INNER Game Building Wealth?
(The Secret Psychology of Wealth)
Before you can begin to make changes in your life ... about anything, you must become aware of what your current situation is. It may be self obvious but you cannot change anything you are not aware of.
We say that you must be aware of the inner game of wealth building.
First lets become aware of what the inner game of building wealth includes.
The INNER Game of Building Wealth
your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual factors
your prosperity consciousness
where you put your attention
your belief system about money and wealth
your attitudes about money and wealth
your self-talk about money and wealth
your awareness
your choices and decisions about money
your focus
your thoughts
your feelings about wealth
your habits, conditioned actions
your energy level
your automatic assessments
your vision for yourself
your money fears
how you speak to others about money and wealth
your up-bring - how those around you thought about money
Actions to Take:
Using the above lists, check off the items that you feel you have an above average understanding of and the ability to use your mind to get the required results. You might rate each item on a scale from 1 to 10. A rating of 1 being minimal understanding and ability to control this faculty and a rating of 10 being expert understanding and ability to control this faculty. Be honest with yourself.
If you rate yourself as above average in several of these items - does your current money and wealth status reflect this. If YES, good for you! If NO, what stops you from making more headway with your wealth building plans.
How do you plan on improving your understanding and ability of the inner game of money and wealth building. Write it down. Create a plan.
Prosperity Consciousness is a state of Mind.
Once you have it you will never fear lack.
The Secret Psychology of Wealth - the Inner Game of Wealth
Prosperity Consciousness
What is the Inner Game of Wealth?
Thinking For Results
Power of Thought
Presuppositions of Wealth
Your Right To Be Rich
More articles are being added regularly.
You Need to Know This!
What is The INNER Game Building Wealth?
(The Secret Psychology of Wealth)
Before you can begin to make changes in your life ... about anything, you must become aware of what your current situation is. It may be self obvious but you cannot change anything you are not aware of.
We say that you must be aware of the inner game of wealth building.
First lets become aware of what the inner game of building wealth includes.
The INNER Game of Building Wealth
your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual factors
your prosperity consciousness
where you put your attention
your belief system about money and wealth
your attitudes about money and wealth
your self-talk about money and wealth
your awareness
your choices and decisions about money
your focus
your thoughts
your feelings about wealth
your habits, conditioned actions
your energy level
your automatic assessments
your vision for yourself
your money fears
how you speak to others about money and wealth
your up-bring - how those around you thought about money
Actions to Take:
Using the above lists, check off the items that you feel you have an above average understanding of and the ability to use your mind to get the required results. You might rate each item on a scale from 1 to 10. A rating of 1 being minimal understanding and ability to control this faculty and a rating of 10 being expert understanding and ability to control this faculty. Be honest with yourself.
If you rate yourself as above average in several of these items - does your current money and wealth status reflect this. If YES, good for you! If NO, what stops you from making more headway with your wealth building plans.
How do you plan on improving your understanding and ability of the inner game of money and wealth building. Write it down. Create a plan.
Prosperity Consciousness is a state of Mind.
Once you have it you will never fear lack.
Prosperity and Success Secrets Revealed
The Secret Psychology of Wealth ....
The INNER Game of Money
Prosperity Consciousness
Your Mindset is just as important as knowing what to do, how to do it and how to take the actions you need to take to build wealth.
Prosperity Consciousness is a state of Mind.
Once you have it you will never fear lack.
Prosperity Consciousnesses a state of mind that carries over into all areas of your life - health, wealth, happiness, relationships, career, community - all areas.
Wealth comes from the root word weal which means a sound, healthy or prosperous state; well-being. We call this prosperous state of mind - Prosperity Consciousness.
If you do not have all that you want in your life, in the areas of health, wealth, happiness, relationships, career, community etc., start now to build a prosperity consciousness. You will not only begin to receive all the riches of the outer world but you will also receive a wonderful internal sense of security.
You will know the deep feeling of inner peace. You will never fear lack again. Prosperity will appear in all areas of your life - you will know the real feeling of abundant living.
This is what is all about. First, we will assist you in developing a true prosperity consciousness - the inner game of wealth. And second, we will assist you in learning what to do, how to do it and how to take the actions you need take in your life to build wealth - the outer game of wealth.
The opposite of prosperity consciousness is poverty consciousness. Both are states of mind which show up in your life because of the way you think about money and wealth. Your thought show up as either prosperous thoughts and behaviors or as poverty thoughts and behaviors. For example:
Poverty Consciousness Thoughts and Actions Prosperity Consciousness Thoughts and Actions
of fear
comes from a place of lack and scarcity. (My having takes from others.)
of failure
of hard times
of depression
of limitation
talks negative
of love
comes for a place of abundance. (There is more than enough for everyone.)
of joy
of success
of good times
of expansion and no limits
talks of the good things
We have inherited attitudes, thoughts and beliefs about money from our family, friends and society at large. Examining and exploring our habits, thoughts and beliefs about money can be very productive.
If you think you could do better, start thinking about managing your financial life with pleasure and excitement instead of anxiety and stress.
Does it seem hard to imagine, hard to believe that you can be exceedingly wealthy? If it does, it shows you that you could definitely could use some improvement to your inner game of money.
Money can be an easy part of your life. You can feel that money and wealth are in agreement with your ideals, ethic and spiritual values.
Prosperity consciousness is available to ALL persons equally. It is free to ALL. You may choose to develop it or you may choose not to develop it. Its your choice. You may change from poverty consciousness to prosperity consciousness at any time. Or visa-versa. Nothing outside you can stop you. You choose. Keep this in mind.
Prosperity consciousness comes totally from within. All you need is within you now. Resources right here at will assist you in expansion of you consciousness and awareness into the prosperous parts of yourself.
Actions to Take:
What is your belief system? Begin to take notice of your own thoughts and beliefs.
What are you allowing to be your level of prosperity? Do you realize that your current state of prosperity tells you exactly what your current level of thoughts and beliefs must, by law, produce in your life?
What is the level that you will produce in your life?
Notice your thoughts and beliefs about prosperity, money and wealth. Make a list of them.
Begin to learn how to replace your beliefs about money and your thoughts of lack and limitation. There are resources available on this site to help you do this.
The Secret Psychology of Wealth ....
The INNER Game of Money
Prosperity Consciousness
Your Mindset is just as important as knowing what to do, how to do it and how to take the actions you need to take to build wealth.
Prosperity Consciousness is a state of Mind.
Once you have it you will never fear lack.
Prosperity Consciousnesses a state of mind that carries over into all areas of your life - health, wealth, happiness, relationships, career, community - all areas.
Wealth comes from the root word weal which means a sound, healthy or prosperous state; well-being. We call this prosperous state of mind - Prosperity Consciousness.
If you do not have all that you want in your life, in the areas of health, wealth, happiness, relationships, career, community etc., start now to build a prosperity consciousness. You will not only begin to receive all the riches of the outer world but you will also receive a wonderful internal sense of security.
You will know the deep feeling of inner peace. You will never fear lack again. Prosperity will appear in all areas of your life - you will know the real feeling of abundant living.
This is what is all about. First, we will assist you in developing a true prosperity consciousness - the inner game of wealth. And second, we will assist you in learning what to do, how to do it and how to take the actions you need take in your life to build wealth - the outer game of wealth.
The opposite of prosperity consciousness is poverty consciousness. Both are states of mind which show up in your life because of the way you think about money and wealth. Your thought show up as either prosperous thoughts and behaviors or as poverty thoughts and behaviors. For example:
Poverty Consciousness Thoughts and Actions Prosperity Consciousness Thoughts and Actions
of fear
comes from a place of lack and scarcity. (My having takes from others.)
of failure
of hard times
of depression
of limitation
talks negative
of love
comes for a place of abundance. (There is more than enough for everyone.)
of joy
of success
of good times
of expansion and no limits
talks of the good things
We have inherited attitudes, thoughts and beliefs about money from our family, friends and society at large. Examining and exploring our habits, thoughts and beliefs about money can be very productive.
If you think you could do better, start thinking about managing your financial life with pleasure and excitement instead of anxiety and stress.
Does it seem hard to imagine, hard to believe that you can be exceedingly wealthy? If it does, it shows you that you could definitely could use some improvement to your inner game of money.
Money can be an easy part of your life. You can feel that money and wealth are in agreement with your ideals, ethic and spiritual values.
Prosperity consciousness is available to ALL persons equally. It is free to ALL. You may choose to develop it or you may choose not to develop it. Its your choice. You may change from poverty consciousness to prosperity consciousness at any time. Or visa-versa. Nothing outside you can stop you. You choose. Keep this in mind.
Prosperity consciousness comes totally from within. All you need is within you now. Resources right here at will assist you in expansion of you consciousness and awareness into the prosperous parts of yourself.
Actions to Take:
What is your belief system? Begin to take notice of your own thoughts and beliefs.
What are you allowing to be your level of prosperity? Do you realize that your current state of prosperity tells you exactly what your current level of thoughts and beliefs must, by law, produce in your life?
What is the level that you will produce in your life?
Notice your thoughts and beliefs about prosperity, money and wealth. Make a list of them.
Begin to learn how to replace your beliefs about money and your thoughts of lack and limitation. There are resources available on this site to help you do this.
You Need to Know This!
What is The OUTER Game Building Wealth?
What to do, how to do it and
What actions you must take to build wealth.
Before you can do anything that will result in wealth building, you must become aware of what some of the things that you can do to build that additional wealth. There are many ways that you can build additional wealth.
We say that you must be aware of the outer game of wealth building.
First lets become aware of what the outer game of building wealth includes.
The OUTER Game of Wealth Building Includes:
The Outer Game:
what work you do for income - making money
how to manage your money
goal setting
saving money
debt elimination
cash flow management
sales and marketing
asset protection
leaving a legacy
offshore - businesses, investing
Areas of wealth building:
real estate properties, wholesale, retail, foreclosures, owner financing, nothing down and equity sharing.
real estate lease options
building businesses
multiple streams of passive income
stocks and bonds
owning first and second mortgages
owning paper notes and liens
internet entrepreneur
information publishing
direct mail
finder's fees
affiliate programs
second and discount mortgages
Actions to Take:
Using the above lists for wealth building, check off the items that you feel you have an above average understanding of and an ability to do what is required to actually get results. You might rate each item on a scale from 1 to 10. A rating of 1 being minimal understanding and ability to build wealth and a rating of 10 being expert understanding and ability of wealth building. Be honest with yourself.
If you rate yourself as above average in several of these items - does your current wealth status reflect this. If YES, good for you! If NO, what stops you from making more headway with your wealth building plans.
How do you plan on improving your understanding and ability of wealth building. Write it down. Create a plan.
The problem is not what you can't do ...
It's what you won't do.
Prosperity is a state of Mind.
Once you have it you will never fear lack.The OUTER Game of Wealth Building Includes:
The Outer Game:
what work you do for income - making money
how to manage your money
goal setting
saving money
debt elimination
cash flow management
sales and marketing
asset protection
leaving a legacy
offshore - businesses, investing
Areas of wealth building:
real estate properties, wholesale, retail, foreclosures, owner financing, nothing down and equity sharing.
real estate lease options
building businesses
multiple streams of passive income
stocks and bonds
owning first and second mortgages
owning paper notes and liens
internet entrepreneur
information publishing
direct mail
finder's fees
affiliate programs
second and discount mortgages
What is The OUTER Game Building Wealth?
What to do, how to do it and
What actions you must take to build wealth.
Before you can do anything that will result in wealth building, you must become aware of what some of the things that you can do to build that additional wealth. There are many ways that you can build additional wealth.
We say that you must be aware of the outer game of wealth building.
First lets become aware of what the outer game of building wealth includes.
The OUTER Game of Wealth Building Includes:
The Outer Game:
what work you do for income - making money
how to manage your money
goal setting
saving money
debt elimination
cash flow management
sales and marketing
asset protection
leaving a legacy
offshore - businesses, investing
Areas of wealth building:
real estate properties, wholesale, retail, foreclosures, owner financing, nothing down and equity sharing.
real estate lease options
building businesses
multiple streams of passive income
stocks and bonds
owning first and second mortgages
owning paper notes and liens
internet entrepreneur
information publishing
direct mail
finder's fees
affiliate programs
second and discount mortgages
Actions to Take:
Using the above lists for wealth building, check off the items that you feel you have an above average understanding of and an ability to do what is required to actually get results. You might rate each item on a scale from 1 to 10. A rating of 1 being minimal understanding and ability to build wealth and a rating of 10 being expert understanding and ability of wealth building. Be honest with yourself.
If you rate yourself as above average in several of these items - does your current wealth status reflect this. If YES, good for you! If NO, what stops you from making more headway with your wealth building plans.
How do you plan on improving your understanding and ability of wealth building. Write it down. Create a plan.
The problem is not what you can't do ...
It's what you won't do.
Prosperity is a state of Mind.
Once you have it you will never fear lack.The OUTER Game of Wealth Building Includes:
The Outer Game:
what work you do for income - making money
how to manage your money
goal setting
saving money
debt elimination
cash flow management
sales and marketing
asset protection
leaving a legacy
offshore - businesses, investing
Areas of wealth building:
real estate properties, wholesale, retail, foreclosures, owner financing, nothing down and equity sharing.
real estate lease options
building businesses
multiple streams of passive income
stocks and bonds
owning first and second mortgages
owning paper notes and liens
internet entrepreneur
information publishing
direct mail
finder's fees
affiliate programs
second and discount mortgages
Its Important to Know the Difference
What is Money?
What is Finance?
Money is the stuff you carry around in your pockets. The stuff you use, handle and spend - everyday. It is personal and practical. For example when you buy cup of coffee or a newspaper you usually pay with money (cash) out of your pocket.
Finance is numbers. Usually large numbers. Numbers which you move around by signing pieces of paper. For example when you buy a house, you sign contracts, mortgages and checks. You don't usually pay in cash out of your pocket.
Today the majority of wealth is in the form of finance - only about 4% of the worlds' money is actually available in cash. The other 96% is in the form of computer bits and bytes and exists only as numbers inside computers. Billions and billions of dollars (finance) are moved from computer to computer all around the world daily. It would be impossible for everyone to go to the banks and get all their savings in cash because the majority of the world's money does not exist in physical form.
Actions to Take:
How to really understand ..... that there really is no scarcity.
As an exercise - Imagine that I were to give you money - $1000 today and tell you that you had to spend this money by midnight. You have to spend it all on what ever you buy. You cannot buy something on payments. Write down what you would buy with the $1000.
Tomorrow I give you more money - $1000 and you have to spend all this money using the same rules as yesterday. All at once. What would you buy? Write it down.
Continue to imagine spending $1000 a day. How long can you do this before you run out of things that you want to buy? A week? Two weeks? A Month? or more? If you spend $1000 a day for 2 years and 9 months you would have spent 1 million dollars.
Someone with a billion dollars spending $1000 a day would have to live 2739 years to spend it all. Use this concept to really get that there is no "Scarcity of Money."
Bill Gates at one time was worth 84 billion - he would have to live 230,076 years to spend it all at $1000 a day. Spending this much money is "Finance" - spending in the abstract.
This exercise will also prepare your mind for you to receive money. You need to be prepared to and have an easy answer in your mind should someone offer you a gift of money. You will now have an immediate idea of what you would buy with a large amount of money. You will now have a receptivity in your mind. Before you may have been unconsciously saying, "Don't give me any money, I don't have anything to use it for. I'm not ready to receive money now. Maybe later."
What is Money?
What is Finance?
Money is the stuff you carry around in your pockets. The stuff you use, handle and spend - everyday. It is personal and practical. For example when you buy cup of coffee or a newspaper you usually pay with money (cash) out of your pocket.
Finance is numbers. Usually large numbers. Numbers which you move around by signing pieces of paper. For example when you buy a house, you sign contracts, mortgages and checks. You don't usually pay in cash out of your pocket.
Today the majority of wealth is in the form of finance - only about 4% of the worlds' money is actually available in cash. The other 96% is in the form of computer bits and bytes and exists only as numbers inside computers. Billions and billions of dollars (finance) are moved from computer to computer all around the world daily. It would be impossible for everyone to go to the banks and get all their savings in cash because the majority of the world's money does not exist in physical form.
Actions to Take:
How to really understand ..... that there really is no scarcity.
As an exercise - Imagine that I were to give you money - $1000 today and tell you that you had to spend this money by midnight. You have to spend it all on what ever you buy. You cannot buy something on payments. Write down what you would buy with the $1000.
Tomorrow I give you more money - $1000 and you have to spend all this money using the same rules as yesterday. All at once. What would you buy? Write it down.
Continue to imagine spending $1000 a day. How long can you do this before you run out of things that you want to buy? A week? Two weeks? A Month? or more? If you spend $1000 a day for 2 years and 9 months you would have spent 1 million dollars.
Someone with a billion dollars spending $1000 a day would have to live 2739 years to spend it all. Use this concept to really get that there is no "Scarcity of Money."
Bill Gates at one time was worth 84 billion - he would have to live 230,076 years to spend it all at $1000 a day. Spending this much money is "Finance" - spending in the abstract.
This exercise will also prepare your mind for you to receive money. You need to be prepared to and have an easy answer in your mind should someone offer you a gift of money. You will now have an immediate idea of what you would buy with a large amount of money. You will now have a receptivity in your mind. Before you may have been unconsciously saying, "Don't give me any money, I don't have anything to use it for. I'm not ready to receive money now. Maybe later."
How to Become a Billionaire ....
H. L. Hunt's Advice.
When H. L. Hunt was asked what does it take to become a billionaire he said:
You must know what you really want.
You must know what you are willing to sacrifice to get it. And be willing to do what it takes to accomplish it.
You must write it down.
Mr. Hunt in the latter years of his life had a personal income of over 5 Million dollars a DAY. (He should know what he was taking about.)
Actions to Take:
Take Mr. Hunt's advice - do what he asked you to do, above.
H. L. Hunt's Advice.
When H. L. Hunt was asked what does it take to become a billionaire he said:
You must know what you really want.
You must know what you are willing to sacrifice to get it. And be willing to do what it takes to accomplish it.
You must write it down.
Mr. Hunt in the latter years of his life had a personal income of over 5 Million dollars a DAY. (He should know what he was taking about.)
Actions to Take:
Take Mr. Hunt's advice - do what he asked you to do, above.
Form A Realistic View of Your Situation
The Six Levels of Money Mastery ....
Where are you. Where do you want to be.
There is a principle that says that in order to get to
where you want to go ... you must know two things.
Where you are and where you want to go.
That principle applies to money master also.
The six levels of money mastery.
You are not making enough income.
You are making enough income but you are not saving money.
You are saving money but you don't have any investments.
You have investments but your investments are not really going anywhere.
You have it all - you have the income, you are saving money, and you have investments which are profitable, but you do not know what it is all for.
Your know what it is all for and how to use it.
Actions to Take:
Write down which level you think you are at now.
Write down which level you want to be at in the future.
Spend time thinking and studying about getting wealthy.
Write a plan on how to get from where you are to where you want to be.
The Six Levels of Money Mastery ....
Where are you. Where do you want to be.
There is a principle that says that in order to get to
where you want to go ... you must know two things.
Where you are and where you want to go.
That principle applies to money master also.
The six levels of money mastery.
You are not making enough income.
You are making enough income but you are not saving money.
You are saving money but you don't have any investments.
You have investments but your investments are not really going anywhere.
You have it all - you have the income, you are saving money, and you have investments which are profitable, but you do not know what it is all for.
Your know what it is all for and how to use it.
Actions to Take:
Write down which level you think you are at now.
Write down which level you want to be at in the future.
Spend time thinking and studying about getting wealthy.
Write a plan on how to get from where you are to where you want to be.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
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Home » People » How to Become a Rich Billionaire
How to Become a Rich Billionaire
by Rana Sinha in People, June 10, 2008
What does it take to become a billionaire? Are rich billionaires rags to riches stories or did they inherit their wealth? Are there any similarities in the way people get rich so you can detect a pattern and copy it to get rich?
Do you want to be a rich billionaire or a multi millionaire?- A US dollar billionaire and not the Zimbabwe dollar kind.
Photo source: Wikimedia Commons
You wouldn’t be the only person in the world to be wishing this. Billionaires (the dollar billionaires) are seen to be possessing everything one can dream of.
What does it take to become a rich billionaire? Do they have special skills or characteristics, which others lack? Are there any rags to riches stories there or did they inherit their wealth? Are there any similarities in the way people get rich so that a pattern could be detected and then replicated by others?
Did these rich billionaires attend the elite Ivy League universities or were they school dropouts? Let us investigate the lives of the richest billionaires today.
Billionaires Born in Wealthy Families
Warren Buffet as the world’s richest man carries on his father’s trade of stockbroker. He got a masters degree from Columbia Business School and took a Dale Carnegie course in Public Speaking.
Carlos Slim Helu at No.2 is the son of wealthy Lebanese immigrants in Mexico. His father gave all the five siblings a bank savings book, so that they could deposit their usual weekly allowances. Their father regularly supervised their savings books, analyzing their expenses, purchases, and activities. Parental guidance taught Carlos about savings and investing.
Formerly No.1 for thirteen consecutive years, No.3 on the 2008 list is Bill Gates, a dropout from Harvard University. He comes from a wealthy and influential family, which supported him to start his venture with friends that eventually became Microsoft. Both his parents were very influential and helped him significantly in his career.
Rags-to-Riches Billionaires
Read more in People
« The World’s 10 Richest Royal RulersJohn Gotti’s Last Photograph: Shocking Downfall of the Dapper Don »
At No.7 of the Forbes list is the Swede Ingvar Kamprad of IKEA fame. He is the first in the list with a father or mother who wasn’t wealthy. He started his business by selling matches from his bicycle to neighbours near the farm in Sweden where he was born. Despite having a fortune of 31 billion US $ Kamprad still lives frugally and visits IKEA stores for the cheap meals (they are very good, cheap, and tasty). He learnt to cope with dyslexia, been exposed as a member in a pro-Nazi organization in the 1940s and alcoholism early in his career.
At No.12 is Sheldon Adelson, with his $26 billion is the son of a Boston cabdriver. His mother’s family was Jewish immigrants from Lithuania and father’s from Ukraine. When he was 12, he borrowed $200 from an uncle to sell newspapers at street corners. He dropped out of college to pursue fifty different businesses, where he lost much in venture capitals and real estate. Sheldon made his fortune by creating the computer industry’s premier show, Comdex, mid-1980s. He rented space for 15 cents a square foot and leased it to exhibitors for $40 a square foot. He finally struck it rich in the Hotel business in Las Vegas.
No. 15 on the list is Roman Abramovich of Russia with $23.5 billion. He lost both parents at age 4 and was raised by poor grandparents. He amassed his fortune when Soviet Union was falling to eventually take over the Russian oil giant Sibneft. Totally opposite in style to Kamprad, he owns the Chelsea football club in UK, planes, luxury yachts, helicopters, and a home that reportedly cost $100 million.
There are others on this list of billionaires that broke many rules articles, books, and courses teach about how to get rich. But they spotted opportunities, took great risks and capitalized on opportunities.
Richard Desmond lived with his divorced mother in a garage apartment. Quitting school at age 14 he become a drummer and worked in a coat-check room. Richard started his first magazine at age 22 and now owns dozens of newspapers and magazines worth $2 billion.
A man worth $2.5 billion, Micky Jagtiani from India dropped out of accounting school in London and took up driving taxis and cleaning hotel rooms to support himself. He also drank a bottle of whiskey a day. In one year every member of his family died. At the young age of 21 he moved to Bahrain with $6,000 of family’s savings. There, he started selling baby products. His chain is now one of the most profitable retail groups in the Middle East.
The richest man in Asia or $26.5 billion owner Li Ka-Shing came to Hong Kong from China in 1940. He was forced to quit school at fifteen to work in a plastic factory after his father died. Then he started manufacturing plastic flowers with borrowed money. This business grew into Cheung Kong Industries, a conglomerate with stakes in telecom, property and supermarkets.
Kirk Kerkorian with a fortune of $16 billion, is the son of Armenian immigrants. He dropped out of school in the eighth grade to take up boxing. Kerkorian then started flying across the Atlantic in World War II. His company MGM Mirage owns more than half the hotel rooms on the Las Vegas Strip.
A man worth $20.2 billion, Amancio Ortega from Spain was the son of a railway worker. With borrowed $25 and help from his then wife Rosalia Mera, who is now also a billionaire, he created gowns in his living room and sold these to customers. Ortega owns Inditex, one of the world’s most successful clothing manufacturers, best known for the Zara brand.
The billionaire ($1.5 billion) celebrity author of the Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling lived on welfare while finishing her first Harry Potter story. She had been working as a free-lance English teacher in Portugal. As a single mother, she returned to the U.K. after her mother had died.
Image via Wikipedia
Oprah Winfrey was born in rural Kosciusko, Mississippi. On her grandmother’s farm, Winfrey often wore dresses made of potato sacks, causing children to make fun of her. Oprah has explained that her conception was due to a single sexual encounter between two teenagers, Vernita Lee, a housemaid, and her father, Vernon Winfrey, a coal miner. From the age of nine Oprah was reportedly sexually molested by male relatives. At 14 she reportedly gave birth to a premature baby, who did not survive. Now Oprah is the reigning queen of American television with a fortune of $2.5 billion.
Vital Skills for Becoming Rich Billionaires
So, it seems that there is no common magic recipe to copy and become a billionaire as each one of these billionaires has had a unique route to success, however controversial that may be. Some had to face terrible tragedies and hardship, which would have destroyed many other human beings. Others did not have these hurdles to overcome but all of them had to work really hard. All of them had to integrate aspects of themselves, which could be called the ‘dark side’ or ‘the shadow’ as the great psychologist Carl Gustav Jung called it, into their personality and function convincingly among other human beings. We could say that the greatest effort they invest in order to become successful is with their own selves.
Self-management is the most difficult part of management skills needed to become a billionaire.
Along with this skill for self-management, there are however, four additional common factors in all these billionaire life stories.
They all had a burning desire to be successful, and they relentlessly pursued their goals without losing faith in themselves.
Secondly, each one of them had an inner conviction. They saw themselves as successful in their mind’s eye and did not give up in spite of all difficulties. This ability to first visualize success and maintain this vision seems to be a key component for success in all fields.
Thirdly, they all took major risks in thinking out of the box and acting consistently.
Lastly, they all understood the value of networking and engaging other gifted people.
Even if you don’t become a billionaire, you can get so much happiness by beginning to appreciate and being more thankful for what you have. If you can’t get what you’d love, love what you’ve got.
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Home » People » How to Become a Rich Billionaire
How to Become a Rich Billionaire
by Rana Sinha in People, June 10, 2008
What does it take to become a billionaire? Are rich billionaires rags to riches stories or did they inherit their wealth? Are there any similarities in the way people get rich so you can detect a pattern and copy it to get rich?
Do you want to be a rich billionaire or a multi millionaire?- A US dollar billionaire and not the Zimbabwe dollar kind.
Photo source: Wikimedia Commons
You wouldn’t be the only person in the world to be wishing this. Billionaires (the dollar billionaires) are seen to be possessing everything one can dream of.
What does it take to become a rich billionaire? Do they have special skills or characteristics, which others lack? Are there any rags to riches stories there or did they inherit their wealth? Are there any similarities in the way people get rich so that a pattern could be detected and then replicated by others?
Did these rich billionaires attend the elite Ivy League universities or were they school dropouts? Let us investigate the lives of the richest billionaires today.
Billionaires Born in Wealthy Families
Warren Buffet as the world’s richest man carries on his father’s trade of stockbroker. He got a masters degree from Columbia Business School and took a Dale Carnegie course in Public Speaking.
Carlos Slim Helu at No.2 is the son of wealthy Lebanese immigrants in Mexico. His father gave all the five siblings a bank savings book, so that they could deposit their usual weekly allowances. Their father regularly supervised their savings books, analyzing their expenses, purchases, and activities. Parental guidance taught Carlos about savings and investing.
Formerly No.1 for thirteen consecutive years, No.3 on the 2008 list is Bill Gates, a dropout from Harvard University. He comes from a wealthy and influential family, which supported him to start his venture with friends that eventually became Microsoft. Both his parents were very influential and helped him significantly in his career.
Rags-to-Riches Billionaires
Read more in People
« The World’s 10 Richest Royal RulersJohn Gotti’s Last Photograph: Shocking Downfall of the Dapper Don »
At No.7 of the Forbes list is the Swede Ingvar Kamprad of IKEA fame. He is the first in the list with a father or mother who wasn’t wealthy. He started his business by selling matches from his bicycle to neighbours near the farm in Sweden where he was born. Despite having a fortune of 31 billion US $ Kamprad still lives frugally and visits IKEA stores for the cheap meals (they are very good, cheap, and tasty). He learnt to cope with dyslexia, been exposed as a member in a pro-Nazi organization in the 1940s and alcoholism early in his career.
At No.12 is Sheldon Adelson, with his $26 billion is the son of a Boston cabdriver. His mother’s family was Jewish immigrants from Lithuania and father’s from Ukraine. When he was 12, he borrowed $200 from an uncle to sell newspapers at street corners. He dropped out of college to pursue fifty different businesses, where he lost much in venture capitals and real estate. Sheldon made his fortune by creating the computer industry’s premier show, Comdex, mid-1980s. He rented space for 15 cents a square foot and leased it to exhibitors for $40 a square foot. He finally struck it rich in the Hotel business in Las Vegas.
No. 15 on the list is Roman Abramovich of Russia with $23.5 billion. He lost both parents at age 4 and was raised by poor grandparents. He amassed his fortune when Soviet Union was falling to eventually take over the Russian oil giant Sibneft. Totally opposite in style to Kamprad, he owns the Chelsea football club in UK, planes, luxury yachts, helicopters, and a home that reportedly cost $100 million.
There are others on this list of billionaires that broke many rules articles, books, and courses teach about how to get rich. But they spotted opportunities, took great risks and capitalized on opportunities.
Richard Desmond lived with his divorced mother in a garage apartment. Quitting school at age 14 he become a drummer and worked in a coat-check room. Richard started his first magazine at age 22 and now owns dozens of newspapers and magazines worth $2 billion.
A man worth $2.5 billion, Micky Jagtiani from India dropped out of accounting school in London and took up driving taxis and cleaning hotel rooms to support himself. He also drank a bottle of whiskey a day. In one year every member of his family died. At the young age of 21 he moved to Bahrain with $6,000 of family’s savings. There, he started selling baby products. His chain is now one of the most profitable retail groups in the Middle East.
The richest man in Asia or $26.5 billion owner Li Ka-Shing came to Hong Kong from China in 1940. He was forced to quit school at fifteen to work in a plastic factory after his father died. Then he started manufacturing plastic flowers with borrowed money. This business grew into Cheung Kong Industries, a conglomerate with stakes in telecom, property and supermarkets.
Kirk Kerkorian with a fortune of $16 billion, is the son of Armenian immigrants. He dropped out of school in the eighth grade to take up boxing. Kerkorian then started flying across the Atlantic in World War II. His company MGM Mirage owns more than half the hotel rooms on the Las Vegas Strip.
A man worth $20.2 billion, Amancio Ortega from Spain was the son of a railway worker. With borrowed $25 and help from his then wife Rosalia Mera, who is now also a billionaire, he created gowns in his living room and sold these to customers. Ortega owns Inditex, one of the world’s most successful clothing manufacturers, best known for the Zara brand.
The billionaire ($1.5 billion) celebrity author of the Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling lived on welfare while finishing her first Harry Potter story. She had been working as a free-lance English teacher in Portugal. As a single mother, she returned to the U.K. after her mother had died.
Image via Wikipedia
Oprah Winfrey was born in rural Kosciusko, Mississippi. On her grandmother’s farm, Winfrey often wore dresses made of potato sacks, causing children to make fun of her. Oprah has explained that her conception was due to a single sexual encounter between two teenagers, Vernita Lee, a housemaid, and her father, Vernon Winfrey, a coal miner. From the age of nine Oprah was reportedly sexually molested by male relatives. At 14 she reportedly gave birth to a premature baby, who did not survive. Now Oprah is the reigning queen of American television with a fortune of $2.5 billion.
Vital Skills for Becoming Rich Billionaires
So, it seems that there is no common magic recipe to copy and become a billionaire as each one of these billionaires has had a unique route to success, however controversial that may be. Some had to face terrible tragedies and hardship, which would have destroyed many other human beings. Others did not have these hurdles to overcome but all of them had to work really hard. All of them had to integrate aspects of themselves, which could be called the ‘dark side’ or ‘the shadow’ as the great psychologist Carl Gustav Jung called it, into their personality and function convincingly among other human beings. We could say that the greatest effort they invest in order to become successful is with their own selves.
Self-management is the most difficult part of management skills needed to become a billionaire.
Along with this skill for self-management, there are however, four additional common factors in all these billionaire life stories.
They all had a burning desire to be successful, and they relentlessly pursued their goals without losing faith in themselves.
Secondly, each one of them had an inner conviction. They saw themselves as successful in their mind’s eye and did not give up in spite of all difficulties. This ability to first visualize success and maintain this vision seems to be a key component for success in all fields.
Thirdly, they all took major risks in thinking out of the box and acting consistently.
Lastly, they all understood the value of networking and engaging other gifted people.
Even if you don’t become a billionaire, you can get so much happiness by beginning to appreciate and being more thankful for what you have. If you can’t get what you’d love, love what you’ve got.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Categories > Finance and Business > Managing Your Money
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How to Make Money Fast
Need a little extra cash in a hurry? Follow these steps and you're bound to have a fuller pocket by the end of the week. It may not be much, and it may not be reliable, but your options are limited if you're short on time. Later, you can read up on long-term ways to make money. Otherwise, hurry up and follow these steps so you can make money ASAP!
Part Time Online Jobs
I Make Rs 700 -1000 A Day. In Free Time. No Target. See Video! Make Money Fast
Get Paid $2000-$8000 Weekly. Part Time Online Jobs Offered. Enter To Win Money
Win A Compaq Notebook When You Buy The Officejet Pro. Signup Today HY Forex Affiliates
Great Terms, 2-Tier Commission: Revshare, CPA or CPL. Join Now!
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Consider day labor. There are employment agencies that specialize in this type of arrangement, and you can get paid at the end of the workday. The jobs you find through an agency can vary, but are usually in construction, factories, offices, and manufacturing. An alternative to finding day labor is to go where other day laborers meet (usually street corners or parking lots) and wait for employers (building contractors, landscapers, home owners and small business owners). If you go the non-agency route, you might get paid in cash. You can also check your local newspaper or internet classifieds to find quick labor gigs, like painting, mowing, or moving work. When considering a day labor opportunity, keep in mind that less formal arrangements could result in you not getting paid or worse, you getting injured without any kind of compensation.
Sell something. Dig out that old guitar you never play, those CDs you don't listen to anymore, or your antique toy collection. Go to the pawnshop, put an ad on local internet classifieds, or hold a yard sale in front of your house or on a busy street corner (just display the item with a big sign announcing the ridiculously low price). Price items at half of what somebody would be able to buy them for anywhere else, and you may be able to sell them within an hour or two. You can also sell items online at web sites like eBay, Amazon and Craig`s list.
Fill out surveys online. Companies who want to know what’s on the minds of their customers are willing to pay for your opinion. Online surveys won’t make you rich, and won’t allow you to quit your day job, but you can make a little extra cash. When choosing between surveys, read the fine print. There is usually an asterisk near the "you won" part. This means you have to do something like buying stuff before you even get to talk about your prize. Don't fall into these sorts of traps, they're ridiculously difficult and not worth it. In general, the more companies you sign up with, the more survey requests you’ll receive in your email and more opportunity you’ll have to make money.Generally you have to pay a minimal fee to have access to these survey sites.
Become a street performer. If you can dance, play music, or tell jokes, you can probably get some cash by performing in public. But don't do this unless you are actually good at it. Put together a good act and find a place to perform. Give people a dose of live entertainment, and hopefully they'll reward you with tips.
Panhandle. A panhandler is a person who depends on the spontaneous charity of strangers for their survival. If you really need the cash, you might swallow your pride and decide to ask for help. Make a sign, find a good location, ask politely for money, and say thank you. Cyberbegging is becoming increasingly popular, and there have been some amazing success stories, but these are the exception rather than the rule. While there are some sites on which you can beg just by putting up a brief ad, if you're looking to make any substantial money you'll probably have to build your own site and invest the time and money into it to make it successful.
"Donate" plasma. Plasma is a component of blood, and the process is similar to donating blood. You're not permitted to actually sell your plasma, but you can be compensated for your time spent donating (and essentially, it's like selling your plasma). Your blood is drawn, the plasma is separated, and the red blood cells are returned to your body. You can make US$20-30 per visit and give plasma twice a week, but you must weigh at least 110 pounds, be between the ages of 18 and 59, and be in good health.[1] Many college students do this to make extra cash.[2] If you haven't been to the doctor in a while, this may be a good way to get a free health checkup.[3]
One person's trash is another's gold mine.
Recycle. Broke because you bought too much soda? Turn the old cans into cash by bringing them in to be recycled. If you don't have your own cans, go looking for them in trash cans or along busy roads, especially rural roads. Call up several recyclers to compare prices. If you live in a state with a bottle or can deposit system, you may be able to get 5 or 10 US cents per container. Other scrap metals are also worth something, so if you've got a big pile of scrap in your backyard or you know of an illegal dumpsite, you can pick it up in your truck and anywhere from 1 or 2 cents per pound for scrap steel to considerably more for metals such as copper or aluminum.[4]
Open a lemonade stand. Especially if you're a kid, a lemonade stand or baked goods stand can bring in good money in one day. If the lemonade isn't selling, or you want to diversify, sell cookies and brownies as well. The important thing here is to find a good location, like the main entrance to an apartment building, outside a shopping center, on a busy corner near your house, or outside one of your parents’ workplaces (if you're a kid; otherwise you might get in trouble).
Enter sweepstakes. By choosing sweepstakes carefully, you can increase your likelihood of hitting the jackpot (or at least getting a few useful freebies that you can sell, as mentioned above). Search the internet-- there are even internet databases, some free and some by subscription only, that can clue you in to hundreds or thousands of sweepstakes. Sweepstakes with smaller prizes can be great because you generally have a more realistic chance of winning. Don't, however, waste your time entering a sweepstakes for a prize you don't want and can't easily sell for a good profit. Enter as many times as possible. The more times you enter, the better your odds. It's as simple as that. Before you send in a million entries, however, make sure you know how many entries the rules allow you.
Become a moving advertisement. Creative marketing companies might be willing to pay you to get their name out there. Some interesting strategies that people have gotten paid for:
Article Discuss Edit HistoryShare
How to Make Money Fast
Need a little extra cash in a hurry? Follow these steps and you're bound to have a fuller pocket by the end of the week. It may not be much, and it may not be reliable, but your options are limited if you're short on time. Later, you can read up on long-term ways to make money. Otherwise, hurry up and follow these steps so you can make money ASAP!
Part Time Online Jobs
I Make Rs 700 -1000 A Day. In Free Time. No Target. See Video! Make Money Fast
Get Paid $2000-$8000 Weekly. Part Time Online Jobs Offered. Enter To Win Money
Win A Compaq Notebook When You Buy The Officejet Pro. Signup Today HY Forex Affiliates
Great Terms, 2-Tier Commission: Revshare, CPA or CPL. Join Now!
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Consider day labor. There are employment agencies that specialize in this type of arrangement, and you can get paid at the end of the workday. The jobs you find through an agency can vary, but are usually in construction, factories, offices, and manufacturing. An alternative to finding day labor is to go where other day laborers meet (usually street corners or parking lots) and wait for employers (building contractors, landscapers, home owners and small business owners). If you go the non-agency route, you might get paid in cash. You can also check your local newspaper or internet classifieds to find quick labor gigs, like painting, mowing, or moving work. When considering a day labor opportunity, keep in mind that less formal arrangements could result in you not getting paid or worse, you getting injured without any kind of compensation.
Sell something. Dig out that old guitar you never play, those CDs you don't listen to anymore, or your antique toy collection. Go to the pawnshop, put an ad on local internet classifieds, or hold a yard sale in front of your house or on a busy street corner (just display the item with a big sign announcing the ridiculously low price). Price items at half of what somebody would be able to buy them for anywhere else, and you may be able to sell them within an hour or two. You can also sell items online at web sites like eBay, Amazon and Craig`s list.
Fill out surveys online. Companies who want to know what’s on the minds of their customers are willing to pay for your opinion. Online surveys won’t make you rich, and won’t allow you to quit your day job, but you can make a little extra cash. When choosing between surveys, read the fine print. There is usually an asterisk near the "you won" part. This means you have to do something like buying stuff before you even get to talk about your prize. Don't fall into these sorts of traps, they're ridiculously difficult and not worth it. In general, the more companies you sign up with, the more survey requests you’ll receive in your email and more opportunity you’ll have to make money.Generally you have to pay a minimal fee to have access to these survey sites.
Become a street performer. If you can dance, play music, or tell jokes, you can probably get some cash by performing in public. But don't do this unless you are actually good at it. Put together a good act and find a place to perform. Give people a dose of live entertainment, and hopefully they'll reward you with tips.
Panhandle. A panhandler is a person who depends on the spontaneous charity of strangers for their survival. If you really need the cash, you might swallow your pride and decide to ask for help. Make a sign, find a good location, ask politely for money, and say thank you. Cyberbegging is becoming increasingly popular, and there have been some amazing success stories, but these are the exception rather than the rule. While there are some sites on which you can beg just by putting up a brief ad, if you're looking to make any substantial money you'll probably have to build your own site and invest the time and money into it to make it successful.
"Donate" plasma. Plasma is a component of blood, and the process is similar to donating blood. You're not permitted to actually sell your plasma, but you can be compensated for your time spent donating (and essentially, it's like selling your plasma). Your blood is drawn, the plasma is separated, and the red blood cells are returned to your body. You can make US$20-30 per visit and give plasma twice a week, but you must weigh at least 110 pounds, be between the ages of 18 and 59, and be in good health.[1] Many college students do this to make extra cash.[2] If you haven't been to the doctor in a while, this may be a good way to get a free health checkup.[3]
One person's trash is another's gold mine.
Recycle. Broke because you bought too much soda? Turn the old cans into cash by bringing them in to be recycled. If you don't have your own cans, go looking for them in trash cans or along busy roads, especially rural roads. Call up several recyclers to compare prices. If you live in a state with a bottle or can deposit system, you may be able to get 5 or 10 US cents per container. Other scrap metals are also worth something, so if you've got a big pile of scrap in your backyard or you know of an illegal dumpsite, you can pick it up in your truck and anywhere from 1 or 2 cents per pound for scrap steel to considerably more for metals such as copper or aluminum.[4]
Open a lemonade stand. Especially if you're a kid, a lemonade stand or baked goods stand can bring in good money in one day. If the lemonade isn't selling, or you want to diversify, sell cookies and brownies as well. The important thing here is to find a good location, like the main entrance to an apartment building, outside a shopping center, on a busy corner near your house, or outside one of your parents’ workplaces (if you're a kid; otherwise you might get in trouble).
Enter sweepstakes. By choosing sweepstakes carefully, you can increase your likelihood of hitting the jackpot (or at least getting a few useful freebies that you can sell, as mentioned above). Search the internet-- there are even internet databases, some free and some by subscription only, that can clue you in to hundreds or thousands of sweepstakes. Sweepstakes with smaller prizes can be great because you generally have a more realistic chance of winning. Don't, however, waste your time entering a sweepstakes for a prize you don't want and can't easily sell for a good profit. Enter as many times as possible. The more times you enter, the better your odds. It's as simple as that. Before you send in a million entries, however, make sure you know how many entries the rules allow you.
Become a moving advertisement. Creative marketing companies might be willing to pay you to get their name out there. Some interesting strategies that people have gotten paid for:
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