Tuesday, December 22, 2009

“Man Transformation” - How To Transform Yourself Into A Man Who Can Attract AND KEEP A Woman Who Is A “Total 10”

The fastest, easiest, most complete “inner game”
and “outer game” training program ever created…
will totally transform your success with women and dating…

Dear Friend,

If you’d like to literally TRANSFORM yourself into a man who REALLY understands women and attraction, a man who can control his mind and emotions in every key situation with women so he can SUCCEED with women, and a man who knows exactly what to do in every situation with women, then take the next few minutes and really STUDY this letter. It IS the key to success that you’ve been looking for…

It’s important that you read this entire letter, because inside, I’m going to share a few lessons that will improve your success with women IMMEDIATELY.

And I also guarantee you that these techniques and ideas relate to YOU PERSONALLY. They will help you get where you want to go NOW.

I decided that it would be worth the extra time for me to share some of the actual content of my new Man Transformation training program - so you could benefit whether you decide to be a part of the program or not. Let’s get right into it…

The 3 “Phases” Of Transformation…

In this training, we break the process of creating success with women into three stages or phases:

Inner Game



“Inner Game” is YOUR world. It’s your self esteem, your confidence, and your state of mind, body, and emotion.

“Interaction” is the process of approaching women, creating attraction, and using body language.

“Intimacy” is the new “relationship” that is created when a man and a woman connect on a romantic level. The word intimacy hints at both “sexual intimacy” as well as deep connection.

The Lessons Of The Inner Game That Improve ALL Of Your Game Immediately…

What is driving you to seek success with women?

Be honest.

Do you even know?

If you’re like I was when I started learning, then you probably can’t quite put your finger on the actual reason WHY you want more success with women. It’s a drive and motivation that comes from deep inside you… from a place that’s beyond words.

I have another question: Do you know why a woman would want to be with YOU?

Not why YOU think she should want to be with you. I asked you why the WOMAN would want to be with you.

What would HER reason be?

Because you’re a “great guy”? Or maybe because you’re “honest and loyal”?

You probably have no idea why a woman would want to actually BE with you… spend time with you… feel ATTRACTED to you.

A woman’s reasons for wanting to be with a man are complex. And most men don’t GET them.

When a man says “Can I buy you dinner?” he is actually saying something very different from what he thinks he is saying.

When a man asks if he can buy a woman dinner, what he’s REALLY saying is “I don’t think you’d want to be with me just because you’re really going to enjoy being in my presence, so maybe you’d agree to spend time with me if I give you something.”

And he’s also saying, on a subtle level… “I don’t believe that women are attracted to me.”

One of the reasons why we have so much trouble describing these types of things is that WORDS are the tools we use to describe them.


Why does a woman want to be with a man in a romantic or sexual way, ANYWAY?

The reason it’s so hard to answer these questions, and explain these things, is that you CAN’T do it with words.

The “answers” and the “explanations” aren’t words…

…They Are All Feelings!

You want to be more successful with women to get a FEELING.

And a woman would want to be with you for a FEELING.

Feelings came long before words.

Feelings evolved over massive periods of time.

Feelings are triggered by touching, play, companionship, fun, sexual attraction, and other EXPERIENCES.

There’s a hint, by the way: experiences.

Experiences trigger feelings.

So if feelings are triggered by experiences, what do you think the first question is that most guys ask about how to meet women?

RIGHT, they ask “What do I say to her?”.

They want the WORDS.


And even if I TELL that guy that the words aren’t the important part, that it’s about how she feels… he’ll still go ahead asking about what to SAY.

“Yes, but what do I SAY to get her to feel those feelings you’re talking about?”


Here’s my point:

If you don’t understand the inner motivations that women have, and you don’t understand how to give women the experiences and feelings that they want, then you don’t stand a CHANCE of attracting and keeping a “Total 10”…

…and all the fancy WORDS in the world won’t help you.

You Know What To Do,
So Why Don’t You DO It?

If I asked you to list three things you could do RIGHT NOW to become more successful with women, I know that you could give me three great ideas…

... We Both Know You Could Do This Right Now!

You might not have ALL the answers, but you’re certainly smart enough to know a few of the things you should be doing… but aren’t.

So if you KNOW what to do, then why aren’t you doing those things?

This might sound like a stupid question, but stay with me.

You know that there are certain foods you shouldn’t eat, but you still eat them… why?

You know that there are certain things you should do to take better care of your health, but you don’t do them… why?

And you already know some of the things you should do to have more success with women… but you don’t do them. WHY!?

I’ll tell you why…

...Because You Don't Know How To
Get Yourself To Do Them!

Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. I won’t tell.

It’s amazing that we can grow up, make it to adulthood, learn how to walk, read, write, and drive… but we can’t get ourselves to do things that we KNOW are in our own best interest.

It’s a problem we all face.

If you watched my blog video a few days ago, then you saw me talk about the book “Change or Die”… and you heard me tell the story about people who go to the doctor and get the news that they’ll die soon if they don’t change their lifestyles.

And guess what? 9 out of 10 times, THEY DON’T CHANGE.

What’s up with that?

After working on this area of success for many years (especially the past year), I’ve realized that there are “tricks” to getting yourself to actually DO the things you know you should be doing.

One of the most important things you need to do is, ironically, admit to yourself that you can’t make yourself do what you want to do!

I now think that the ILLUSION of self-control is one of the things that PREVENTS self-control!

Start now: Admit to yourself that you’re out of control, and you don’t know what to do about it.

This is a great start.

I’ll talk more about this in the live portion of this program, but if you don’t know EXACTLY how to make yourself take action, then you are essentially hopeless. Fortunately, I’m going to share a bunch of killer techniques that will GUARANTEE that you do the things you need to do… in order to get the success that you want.

I will help you do what you KNOW you need to do.

If you’ll get yourself to this program, I’ll take it from there.

Are You “Imprinted” For Success?

Have you ever heard of mental or emotional “imprints”?

Whether you have or not, you definitely know what they are.

Have you ever been in a situation with a woman where you wanted to do or say something, but you remembered something bad that happened in the past in a similar situation, and remembering it caused you to NOT do or say it?

That past memory was an IMPRINT.

We all have imprints.

And we all have both positive AND negative imprints.

But most of us guys aren’t typically conscious of just how much our past imprints run our lives.

In fact, we all have imprints that are running our lives…

…And We Can’t Even Remember Most Of Them!

Think about that for a moment. You’ve got emotional memories in your unconscious mind that are literally making critical judgments and decisions FOR YOU.

And you don’t even know it’s happening!

Even if you can’t remember this happening, I know that you have an INTUITIVE sense of this.

You’ll be talking to a woman in line at the store, and you’ll realize that you should get her email and phone number… but RIGHT before you ask… a BAD FEELING comes over you… and you decide not to ask her.

Where did that bad feeling come from?


Where did the FEAR come from?

My guess: Something happened to you at some point in your life… something that you probably can’t remember… and it’s now sabotaging you and snapping defeat right out of the jaws of success!

We All Received “Bad Programming”…

It’s a tragedy that we didn’t enter High School in 9th Grade and walk into our first class called “How to create and build attraction with the opposite sex.”

The horribly un-sexy movies we had to watch, and the STERILE, awkward presentations we were given did a lot more harm than good, as far as I’m concerned.

Can you imagine actually SAYING some of that stuff to a woman?

“Jennifer, I would like to perform sexual intercourse with you. Is your labia majora engorged with blood and receptive to my glans?”

We lost the game before we could get into the race.

No one ever told us that we had amazing NATURAL mechanisms inside of us for creating attraction and connecting with women… and no one ever told us that would could actually learn how to USE THEM!

But there’s some good news here…

Lately, the scientific and psychological communities are starting to realize something very interesting about our brains and emotional systems.

It’s a breakthrough that I consider one of the most miraculous possible. Simply put, we’re learning that…

…We Can Change Our Memories!

Here’s how this works:

Every time you remember something, you CHANGE the memory.

Ernest Rossi, a guy who spent much of his life studying the great hypnotherapist Milton Erickson, has an interesting recent book called “The Psychobiology Of Gene Expression” (don’t ask, he’s a geek, OK?).

In this book, right in the beginning, he says that “Every recall is a reframe” - meaning that every time you recall a memory, you put it into a new “frame” or context. In other words, you SEE IT DIFFERENTLY, and CHANGE IT.

Daniel Goleman, the author of the powerful book “Emotional Intelligence” wrote something profound in his recent book “Social Intelligence”… he says:

“Whenever we retrieve a memory, the brain rewrites it a bit, updating the past according to our present concerns and understanding.”

He then goes on to explain that we actually change our memories at the CHEMICAL LEVEL INSIDE OUR BRAINS when we go through the process of remembering.

Here’s What This Means To You…

You can change your memories.

You can change your imprints.

You can go and “fix” those problem areas from your past that act as your PRISON right now.

Here’s a simple example…

One of our biggest problems… one that every guy can relate to… is being in a situation where we get STOPPED or SABOTAGED by our emotions.

Maybe we see a girl we’d like to approach, or we’re on a date with a woman and we want to kiss her… or we’re making out, and it’s time to “make the move” but…

…Instead We Choke!

We crack.

We buckle.

We lose our minds, we get freaked out by our emotions, and we don’t do the right thing.

Why not?

Because something happened in our past that made some kind of imprint on us, and it’s coming up - either consciously or unconsciously - and it’s causing us to hesitate.

And then what happens?

EXACTLY! Now we’ve got ANOTHER memory and experience… where we were overpowered by our emotions… and we’ve REINFORCED this pattern, this response, and this behavior!

And now we’ve MADE SURE that…

…We'll Do It Again Next Time!

Total self-sabotage.

So what’s the answer here? How do we fix this?

Well, a simple place to start is with the PROCESS of what’s happening.

In fact, let’s CONSIDER what just happened.

It went something like this:

You got into a situation with a woman that pushed an “emotional button” and triggered your past memories and imprints

This pushed the FEAR button inside of you

Your FEAR took over, and you went into “do the safe thing” mode, and you CHOKED

Basically, your MEMORY triggered an EMOTION…which then led to you doing something you wouldn’t have done if you were in a cool, calm, optimistic state of mind.

Is it possible that you could take these same “puzzle pieces” and rearrange them in a different way - and get very different results?

What if you got yourself into a cool, calm, optimistic state of mind, and THEN “pulled up” some of your memories and imprints?

What if you changed how you remember your experiences and imprints, but do it while you’re feeling GREAT?

What if you went further, and actually put some new imprints inside of yourself… that led to you NOT getting negatively triggered when you’re in important situations with women?

What if you could actually stay AWARE, calm, and present when you need to with women?

I think you see where I’m going here.

The Man Transformation Program is designed to help you do JUST THAT - to actually go inside and RE-WIRE your imprints and your triggers, so you focus and use your power to succeed - instead of using your power to sabotage your success.

A Quick Exercise To Help You Overcome A Limiting Experience Or Imprint

If we could go back into your past, and watch a movie of your initial “imprints” or experiences with women, we would learn a LOT about why you are where you are right now.

Most of us guys (and I’m totally typical in this area) are still re-playing roles and games that were imprinted on us when we were KIDS.

And now that we’re adults, and now that we have “rational minds” - that can think and argue and use logic - we assume that we are WAY past that stuff.

We think that our all-powerful minds should be able to overcome any of our past programming and imprints from childhood.

Most of us wouldn’t even CONSIDER the idea that our limitations with women and our lack of success is…

…100% Self-Created And Self-Sustained!

And here’s the kicker: It’s our MIND that’s acting as the “prison cell” that prevents us from getting what it is that we want.

So why did we get the wrong imprints and programming in the beginning? And how do we fix this stuff?

If you’ve read my first book “Double Your Dating” then you already know that our culture, our religions, and other authority figures tend to have “repression problems” when it comes to normal human sexuality and mating.

Fortunately, the world seems to be waking up (a little, anyway), and these things are getting better.

But when we were kids, many aspects of healthy sexuality were considered wrong, evil, bad, immoral, and scary to those around us.

And humans don’t tend to deal very well with concepts and ideas that directly oppose what their BODY and EMOTIONS are telling them from the inside.

When this happens, we often HIDE from the truth, or repress our thoughts… or PRETEND that one or the other isn’t real.

In short, when we come across an area where our body is naturally telling us one thing, but the authority figures outside are telling us another…

…We Shut One Or The Other Out
In Order To Avoid The Internal Conflict!

And what happens after spending twenty years… thirty years… or even more… trying to shut out something that’s inside of us?



Here’s a quick exercise for you…

Think about your MAIN obstacle you face right now when it comes to meeting women. Quickly. What comes to mind?


Now, put that aside for a moment.

Take a moment to think back to your earliest impressions of women and of male/female relationships.

Where did you get your ideas about how men and women “should” interact with each other?

Where did you get your ideas about what “success with women” is in the first place?

What did you learn or not learn that contributed to this set of ideas?

You may not have thought about this stuff for a LONG time, but it’s in there… if you reflect for long enough.

Now, take a moment to “fill in the blank” in the following statements…

“The right way to treat a woman is ____________”

“If a woman likes you, she’ll let you know by ____________”

“Hot, sexy women want men who are ____________”

“To attract a beautiful woman, I must ____________”

“I can’t attract women, because ____________”

Here’s the insight:

Every answer you gave above is CONNECTED to your early imprints. All of them.


Go back and read them, and see if you can find the connections.

And I’d be willing to BET you that the obstacle you now face with women right now is RELATED and CONNECTED to your earliest impressions of what “success” meant when it comes to male/female relationships.

If your earliest impressions involved not having a mother around, and having a father that didn’t treat women well… then your current obstacle is probably connected to those impressions… in some way.

If your earliest impressions involved not having a father around, and having a mother that was over-protective, then your current obstacle is probably connected to those impressions… in some way.

And then there are the impressions you got when you were growing up… especially when you were a teen-ager.

ALL of them are affecting you at a level that you can’t possibly imagine right now.

You “learned” that the world is a particular way… that women are a particular way… and that your success with women is a particular way… and now your mind is busy PROVING that case to you - with one piece of evidence after another - over and over again.

And when your mind builds up a “case” like this, it creates something that is almost IMPOSSIBLE for the average person to overcome…

…It’s Called A Limiting Belief!

A limiting belief is like a computer virus. It’s always running in the background, corrupting and poisoning everything, consuming your energy - and worse, it’s always digging in deeper, reproducing, and spreading.

It’s a weird feeling to realize that you have something in your mind that you DON’T WANT… but not knowing how to get it out.

And it’s even weirder still knowing that it’s getting worse over time.

How is it that we humans could be so powerful, and yet so helpless at the same time?

How is it that we could put these invisible “barriers” in our heads… that can prevent us from getting what we want so PERFECTLY?

And how do we FIX these things?

A Sample Of The Feeling Of “Transformation”

I want to take you through a process that will give you a little “taste” of the process of Transformation you’ll be experiencing in this training program…

I must warn you right now: This is only dipping a toe in the water. This isn’t going swimming.

The reason I’m doing this exercise with you right now is that I want you to have a REAL EXPERIENCE of changing your Inner Game… and changing how you FEEL in the moment.

I want you to have an experience of actually going into your beliefs and early impressions, and of changing them.

Here’s the process:

NOTE: Close your eyes and relax as you perform each step… before reading on to the next step…

First, go back to the earliest limiting impression that you can remember - of how men and women relate to each other. Try to remember the first things you learned about how men and women relate… that you think became “bad programming”.

Once you’ve got one, see if you can get in touch with WHERE this impression “lives” inside your mind and memory.

It might seem like it’s behind you, it might seem like it’s inside your head… it might seem like it’s far away. The mind remembers things in three dimensions, and sometimes it can seem as if a memory is “outside” of you. Go with it.

Get in touch with WHERE it is.

Now, notice what the memory LOOKS like. Does it look like an old black and white photograph? Is it a movie? Is it in 3D? Is it still or moving?

Once you’ve gotten in touch with what the “form” of the memory or imprint, remember it.

You’re going to be making a new one, and replacing the old one in a moment, and it’s important that the new imprint you make “fits” into the spot where the old one is now.

Next, I want you to make a “new imprint” to replace the old one.

Start out by asking yourself a simple question:

“What would my imprint or memory be if that situation had involved a man and woman in a healthy interaction, and I would have experienced two mature, evolved people with high confidence and self esteem interacting in that moment instead of what I remember now?”

Once you’ve been able to create a “new” imprint or memory… based on what you WOULD have seen and experienced… if you had been in the presence of healthy, mature, confident people, then I want you to “shape” that imprint into the form of the original.

You might have to make it into a black and white movie, or a picture… or a 3D movie… whatever you have for an original.

Go ahead and re-shape and re-form that new imprint into the form of the original… so it’s exactly the same size, shape, color, format, etc.

Next, I want you to go back into your memory, and locate your original limiting imprint. Reach out with your hands, and physically PULL OUT that original imprint, and throw it towards the sun in your mind… and watch it explode. Then, reach out with your hands, take the new imprint that you created, and push it into place where the original imprint was before. Give it a good push, to make sure it’s set permanently. Hear it lock into place.

Notice how you begin to feel differently as you lock that new imprint into yourself.

Next, I want you to remember a few times in your earlier years as a kid or teenager, where you were interacting with a girl… and the interaction didn’t wind up with you attracting her.

See how that situation might have gone differently if you had the new imprint earlier on in your life.

Repeat this process with three different experiences where you didn’t attract the girl in your early years as a kid or teenager.

Finally, imaging how you might do things differently with the next woman you meet… that you’d like to attract… because you have this different imprint from that time in your life.

Really do your best to “get into” this imagination game, and see, feel, and experience how the interaction might go, based on this “better programming” from long ago.

Take at least 3 minutes to do this, then come back and start reading again.

A Taste Of Transformation

If you did that exercise, then you felt a change in your mind, body, and emotions. Something is different now. No question about it.

This internal emotional change is called a SHIFT. And you FELT it.

Here’s the question:

Did this exercise ACTUALLY change your past?

Did it make it so that you won’t ever be limited by that imprint ever again?

Did it fix all your problems forever?

No, of course not.

But it DID do something that was, before the last few minutes, like a MIRACLE…

…It Made An Emotional Change
Deep Inside That You Can Feel!

Now, that was a change that was based on a simple “Neuro-Linguistic Programming” technique.

It was a little “trick” that allows you to experience changing one of your imprints… and doing it in a way that you can sense immediately.

And it WILL affect how you interact with women. You’ll notice it immediately.

In this training, we’re going to do a set of processes that are at least 100 TIMES more powerful than that one (and we’ll also be doing several others similar to that one, and combining them in a unique formula to re-program yourself for success with women and dating).

In it, you’re going to learn:

How to re-program and re-imprint your mind for automatic success with women in the future

How to change deep, unconscious limiting beliefs and programming that’s preventing you from success

How to deal with intense emotions of fear and avoidance when you see a woman that you’d like to approach

How to MAKE SURE you actually DO the things you need to do in order to attract and meet women

How to get over self-esteem “baggage” and loss of confidence created by a bad relationship or ex

How to get over the resistance that prevents you from ACTING when you know you should act

In short, your brain is preventing you from doing the things you KNOW you need to do… it’s sabotaging the opportunities you’re getting… and it’s keeping you from experiencing the success that you CAN have with women.

In the Man Transformation program we’re going to remove the blocks, we’re going to improve your self-image and self-confidence, and we’re going to “align” all of your internal processes and resources for massive success.

Next, We’re Going To Move On
To Interaction With Women…

Once you’ve developed your “Inner Game” the next phase is learning about INTERACTION.

Interaction consists of a few key elements: Approaching women and starting conversations, using body language to create sexual tension and attraction, conversation skills to build rapport and trust with women, and the beginnings of the “bridge” into physical touch.

If you’re familiar with my methods, then you know that I believe that “ATTRACTION ISN’T A CHOICE.”

This idea has really opened my mind up, and it has really helped me to become more successful attracting women.

But what IS attraction if it isn’t a choice?

It’s a physical and emotional response… that makes a woman feel like she wants to MATE with you.

No childish jokes, please. Even though this kind of talk is begging for one…

In my past materials, I have taught that attraction is based on what is called “sexual tension”… and it must be built… and built… and built.

Now, I’ve developed an even more advanced model of attraction, and I’ve come up with a new way of describing it that will help you REALLY get what it is… and how to use it.

In fact, I think that once this new method is “out in the open,” it’s going to change the way that men all over the world interact with women they’ve just met. It’s that powerful.

This new way of seeing and using attraction will allow you to create MORE attraction in LESS time… and with less wasted energy. It’s more EFFICIENT.

It’s like switching from driving a big “gas hog” car from the 1970s… to a Ferrari.

It’s more powerful, more efficient, and more streamlined. Better in every way.

And you’re going to learn how to use this new way of seeing and using attraction before ANYONE ELSE when you attend this program.

Approaching Women…

One of the most interesting “discoveries” I’ve made during the years I’ve been teaching men how to attract women is that the “approach” tells me EVERYTHING about a man.

Spend five minutes with me, and let me watch you approach a woman (or watch how you respond when you see an attractive woman you’d LIKE to approach, but don’t)… and I’ll tell you all about your programming, your beliefs, and your internal issues.

When the time comes to approach a woman, you become an OPEN BOOK.

All of your insecurities, all of your emotional challenges, and all of your greatest fears will materialize… and there’s nothing you can do about it.

And here’s the fascinating part:

In the first few seconds, a woman makes a LOT of judgments. Everything from how much money you make, to how well you take care of yourself, to how good of a father you’d make, to how good you are in bed.

And DOZENS of other judgments.


And guess what? If I can tell you all of this stuff just by watching you, WOMEN can ALSO tell you all this stuff. They can read this stuff on you like you’re reading these words on this page!

And women are usually RIGHT ON when they make their guesses!

In a moment, we’ll talk about “body language” and using it to communicate.

But for now, I want to say that you can’t expect to learn a few “magic words” and then be able to approach every woman you see.

In the Man Transformation program, you’re going to learn some of the most sophisticated techniques ever developed… for approaching women, opening up conversations, and building comfort and rapport.

You’ll get all the pick-up lines you can handle.

But, more importantly, we’re going to work on the things you’re NOT saying when you approach women… but that she’s hearing ANYWAY.

We’re going to work on approaching women from a “holistic” perspective… making it so that you have the ability to start conversations… AND you are communicating in a way that doesn’t convince her that you’re a sketchy loser that she should escape from immediately.

Which leads me to…

The Language Of The Body…

At this program, I’m going to share some of my latest developments in the area of “body language” as well.

The more I learn, and the more I develop, the more I realize that if you don’t understand how to communicate using BODY LANGUAGE ALONE… there is no way you’ll be able to create attraction.

And if you don’t understand body language, then a woman will recognize this INSTANTLY. Typically before you even say the first words.

I’m not sure if you’ve ever realized this, but we humans have been “speaking” with body language for a LOOOOONG time.

Here’s a random story that might help you understand why body language is so important, and where we get completely DISCONNECTED from it…

“Dogs Don’t Speak English…”

Every time I go home to visit my mom for the holidays, it’s like we replay a scene from a movie.

Over and over.

And over.

My mom has two dogs.

Neither of them are “trained” in the conventional sense.

If she opens the door and yells “Want to go outside!?” they run outside.

If she opens the door while they’re outside and yells “Time to come in!” they come in.

But these dogs also sit on all of the furniture.

They grab whatever food is within their reach as soon as you walk out of the room.

And they bark at everything, whether you want them to or not.

These dogs OWN my mother and her husband.

So the scene that gets replayed every time I visit goes something like this:

My mother opens the door and lets the dogs in.

One of them starts jumping on anyone that’s in the room, and the other one cowers and barks at anyone that’s in the room.

My mother looks at the dogs and says “It’s OK, that’s my son… you remember him, right?” or something similar.

The response? More jumping up on me, and more barking.

If we’re getting ready to sit down for dinner, she might put the dogs on the back porch and say to them “ You be good while we’re eating, OK?”.

The response? They bark at everything that moves, and whine until they’re let back in.

At one point or another, I typically say “Mom, dogs don’t speak English”.

She usually gives me a smile, then she’ll say “They’re very intelligent… they understand”.

And I’ll give her a smile back, wondering if maybe it’s ME that doesn’t get it.

Now, I was reading a story recently about a couple who got a new dog, and who wanted to train the dog to stay away from the dining table while they were eating with their family.

As it turns out, the wife had been studying animal behavior and communication, so she “got” that dogs don’t speak English.

The first time the dog approached the table to beg for food…

…She Turned To The Dog And Growled!

And guess what the dog did?


He turned around, walked away, and avoided the dining table in the future.

In an instant, the dog got a clear communication in his language… that clued him in to the fact that the “alphas” in his pack were not to be disturbed while they ate.

What do you think the dog would have done if she had said “Hey Spot, please don’t beg for food while we’re eating… I’ll give you some yummy canned food after mommy is finished”…?


Now, you might be reading this and saying “Yes, but I’m trying to communicate with women, not dogs… and women DO speak English!”.

If you ARE saying this to yourself, then you might be beyond hope. But I’ll keep going, just in case…

In some of my past seminars and programs, I’ve read from a book called… you guessed it… “Dog Training”.

It’s a book that a mentor recommended to me years ago.

I read a section that explains how a dog is only comfortable when they understand where they fit into the PACK. If it’s not clear where the dog fits into the pack, then it will misbehave, disobey, or even ATTACK its owner.

Some people have interpreted this to mean that I think women are dogs. Or that they should be treated like dogs.

For the record, I don’t believe anything of the sort.

What I was ACTUALLY trying to communicate is far more subtle and important (and not nearly as sexist and un-evolved)…

What I was trying to say is that we humans are PACK animals, just like dogs are.

And if you don’t know where YOU stand in the pack, and you don’t know how to COMMUNICATE where you stand in the pack, then a woman is going to see this, and she’s not going to be attracted to you.

I was also trying to say that animals naturally know how to communicate, set boundaries, and establish complex relationships that work very well.

And they do all of this WITHOUT the benefit of words.

All of this stuff is PRE-words. It’s beyond words.

The bottom line is that you…

…Can’t Do This Stuff With Words!

And if you can’t do it with words, then what CAN you do it with?

Of course… you can ONLY do it with body language.

The way you hold yourself, make gestures, breathe, use eye contact… and the patterns of combinations of these things… tell a woman EVERYTHING about you.

Body language IS the natural language of attraction.

And you need to learn how to use it.

As part of this training, I brought in a couple of expert trainers that are going to BLOW YOUR MIND with body language techniques and tips…

Immediately upon going through this section of the program, you will experience a dramatic change to your level of attractiveness. Women will be more attracted to you when you walk out. Guaranteed.

(And, for the record, if either sex is more “dog-like” in thinking and behavior, it’s definitely the MALE of our species! George Clinton, the musical philosopher who wrote the song “Atomic Dog” was on to something when he said “Why must I feel like that… why must I chase the cat? Nothin’ but the dog in me…”)

Stage 3: Intimacy

In the Man Transformation program, we’re going to expand the scope of what we teach to include creating a strong, successful RELATIONSHIP with a woman.

After now teaching men for about 7 years, I’ve seen a common problem come up over and over again.

To put it simply: If you meet a woman you really like, and you try to use “pick up women” techniques in the context of a relationship, you’re going to END your relationship.

One after another, I’ve had many “dating gurus” ask my advice for dealing with their relationships… because they had NO IDEA how to actually BE in relationship with a woman (and they were running into SERIOUS trouble with the women they were trying to have relationships with).

Relationships go through stages or phases.

And each phase is different.

Because most guys never learn how to get through the FIRST phase with women, they often get STUCK in this phase after they learn it.

It’s like a person who gets stuck in some counter-productive, immature, childhood emotional pattern… and can’t get out.

Have you seen a guy who still gets his hair cut the way he did in the 80’s when he was 17… even though he looks like a dork with that kind of hairstyle now that he’s 40?

I’ve seen many guys get STUCK in the “approaching women” phase… or the “getting laid” phase… or the “casual dating” phase.

When I say STUCK, I mean that they learn one way of communicating, acting, and thinking… and they try to use it in EVERY situation with EVERY woman for the rest of their lives.

Abraham Maslow, the pioneer in psychology, said “If the only tool you have is a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail”.

NEWS FLASH: Women Don’t Want Robots!

It’s very valuable to learn how to create attraction. It’s valuable to learn how to approach women. And it’s valuable to learn how to take things to a physical or sexual level with women smoothly.

But once you find a woman that you want to STAY with, all of these things can become DESTRUCTIVE to the relationship.


Because you don’t NEED them anymore.

Once she says “OK, I’m in!” - you need to transition to the NEXT LEVEL.

Just like everything else in life…

…There’s Always A Next Level!

You need to see this next level when it’s coming.

You need to understand this next level, and how to get there.

You need to communicate that you get this next level, and that you know what to do when you arrive there.

And if you don’t “get it” and successfully transition to the next level, then the woman you’re with (if she’s intelligent) is going to…

…Leave Your Ass High And Dry!

This is where the concept of intimacy comes into play.

First, let’s talk about what the word “intimacy” means, in this context.

In this program, we’re going to use the word intimacy to describe the level BEYOND just “casual and superficial”… we’re going to consider intimacy as a deeper connection with a woman.

It breaks my heart to talk to a guy who meets an amazing woman, and then screws it up because he either:

Turns into a world-class WUSSBAG

Keeps using “pick up” techniques and she leaves

Doesn’t know how to develop a successful RELATIONSHIP

This topic is very deep, and we obviously can’t go into the whole thing right here, but let me give you a few hints.

First, you must get clear on what a healthy, mature, emotionally together woman LOOKS like.

And you need to get clear on what an UNHEALTHY, IMMATURE, EMOTIONAL TRAINWRECK of a woman looks like.

Find one of the former, and do WHATEVER it takes to…

…Avoid The Latter!

You need to know what women value in relationships, and you need to understand some of the challenges you’re going to be facing in a relationship.

If you don’t understand all of these things, and you make one of a few very common mistakes that all of us guys make… before we know how to handle ourselves… then she’s gone.

Or worse, she’ll drive you CRAZY.

There’s nothing that can destroy your life faster than the wrong choice of woman (and I don’t blame it on the women!).

Remember Samson and Delilah?

Let me put it this way: If you think that getting a date is hard, try keeping a relationship strong, happy, and growing for several YEARS.

During the Man Transformation program, we’re going to be delving into some of the most important elements of relationship intimacy, and you’re going to learn secrets that have taken me many years to learn… about how to create and maintain a wonderful relationship.

I’m going to bring in experts who are going to kick your ass… and straighten you out where you’re lying to yourself about this stuff.

Let’s face it, man. If you want to attract and then KEEP one of the few “Total 10s” in the world - one of those incredibly rare women who is beautiful and sexy on the outside, and nurturing, sweet, and intelligent on the inside - then you’d better learn HOW.

And I can GUARANTEE that this program will teach you MORE about the how… than anything else you have experienced before.

Tying Everything Together:
The Elusive Key To Long-term, CONSISTENT Success With Women

Since I began helping other guys get this part of their lives handled over 7 years ago, I’ve began to notice something…

I’ve noticed that while most guys do see an instant increase in their success with women after going through my book and programs… a lot of men run eventually into a problem or hit a “plateau” somewhere along their way to mastery.

Often times they’ll end up getting stuck on that particular HUMP for years before finally getting over it and really getting to the place of consistent success with women.

Here are the 5 most common plateaus guys get stuck on during their learning curve. Read through them carefully and think about whether or not you might be stuck in one of them now:

#1) Lack Of “Situational” Understanding

This best fits the guy who learns some techniques and strategies for attracting women, but he uses incorrectly… or uses them at the wrong times.

Either way he doesn’t see any real results… and often ends up giving up before taking the time to really UNDERSTAND the material.

If you don’t know how to handle each key SITUATION, you’re eventually going to run into something you don’t understand, and that mistake can cost you the woman.

#2) Inability To Take ACTION

Have you ever learned some great techniques for meeting and attracting women… but then had a hard time getting yourself to try them out?

Or have you ever seen a woman that you wanted to meet and just BLANKED… then within minutes after she was GONE thought of the perfect thing to say?

This 2 problems are actually very closely related… and fortunately I’ve discovered an easy way to solve both of them forever at the same time.

Like I mentioned before, we’ll be spending a lot of time in this area at the live program.

#3) “Hitting & Missing”

I see this one A LOT. A guy will learn some tips and strategies, absorb some of the right mindsets and attitudes, and start seeing some exciting results with women.

But then, for whatever reason, he’ll seem to get hung up in one area… and no matter how many new “techniques” he learns, he just can’t get past it.

For example, you might be great at talking to a woman once you are introduced to her or meet randomly, but maybe you have a hard time getting yourself to approach an attractive woman “cold” when you see her on the street.

Or maybe you are great at approaching women and even getting phone numbers, but very few of them are turning into dates for you.

Or maybe out of the dates you do go on, 90% of them are FIRST DATES… because you just can’t seem to keep a woman interested in you enough to want to see you again.

Not fun.

At this program, you’re going to identify and ELIMINATE your personal sticking point that’s preventing you from reaching the next level with women.

#4) Dropping The Ball When It COUNTS… And Not Knowing HOW You Messed Up Or WHY

I can’t tell you how many guys I hear from every day that have no problem attracting and keeping around nearly all women… EXCEPT for the ones they really like!

I know some guys who have been stuck in this stage for YEARS. Many of them would smoke me when it comes to meeting women in a club or on the street. But when it comes to “keeping the keepers”, they just can’t do it… or figure out why this keeps happening to them…

This seems to be the “Achilles heel” of many of the “pick up” gurus I know… and of course a lot of regular guys too. Luckily it’s an easy fix once you know WHY you are dropping the ball with these special women and what to do instead…

#5) “That One Special Girl”

This one can be toughest all of to break - Getting hung up on an ex, or on a girl you really like but can’t seem to get can REALLY sabotage your game. For a long time, in some guy’s cases, FOREVER.

If you’ve ever been in this situation then you know how hard it is to get your mind off of her and how negatively it can affect your dating life. Again, no fun at all.

Of course, most guys hit one, some, or all of these plateaus and problems at one time or another...

I know for me it was more like ALL.

And it felt like all at once.

But here’s something I didn’t realize at the time I was facing these problems… or even long after I had conquered them…

In fact… it took me YEARS “in the trenches”… teaching other guys how to get over these issues… before it hit me:

These issues were NOT “individual” problems at all… but symptoms of a much larger “big picture” problem…

The “Big Fix” That Makes All Of Your Little Problems Disappear…

As I mentioned earlier, I’ve designed this new program around the areas of Inner Game, Interaction, and Intimacy.

I’ve actually done that for 2 reasons:

At some time in the last few years, I’ve had at least one MASSIVE realization in each of these areas - An idea or breakthrough which I now realize the understanding of which to be mandatory for consistent success with women (especially HIGH QUALITY women)

But perhaps the biggest realization I’ve experienced is that all 3 of these areas link together, work together, and have to be lined up with each other in order for a guy who is struggling with women to make a complete transformation to success

You read that right. Every one of those problems - and whole lot more - are a result of a lack of alignment and congruence in the areas of Inner Game, Interaction, and Intimacy.

Gaining this alignment is THE KEY to transforming yourself from where you are currently with women and dating, to where you eventually want to be - whether that is in a loving, serious relationship with a “ten all around” woman, or simply single with the knowledge that you have what it takes to attract that woman when she comes along.

My Man Transformation program is going to give you the key to doing it QUICKLY… without having to struggle through the frustrating “learning” phases… and without having to spend years honing your game or learning a bunch of lines and techniques that you will eventually throw out anyways when you develop your natural skill for attracting women.

Here’s A VERY Partial List Of What You’re Going To Learn In This Program…

How to dig up your repressed limiting beliefs and “blocks” (If you get nervous or unsure of yourself with women and can’t figure out why, it’s most likely because of something BELOW the surface. Use this powerful exercise to dig deep in your brain and expel the “bad stuff” quickly… even if you never even knew was there in the first place!)

A proven formula for changing your bad habits… that is easy to learn and most importantly forces you to kick the habit permanently

The one “big secret” to fast and successful TRANSFORMATION (In the 7 years I’ve been teaching this stuff I’ve seen a lot of guys dedicate themselves to success with women and succeed, but I’ve also seen a lot of them FAIL because they didn’t do just this one simple thing. If you’ve been working hard at this but it still isn’t “happening” for you I have the solution, and you’re going to learn it here)

How to manually trigger optimism and put yourself in a good mood (Use this simple 30 second exercise any time you are feeling down to give yourself a surge of energy and optimism)

How to get women to see that you are a LEADER (The one quality that all “10’s” insist a man must have)

A secret about REALLY attractive women that if you don’t know, you cannot date them! (If you’ve ever seen a celebrity with a woman that you didn’t think was “hot enough” for him, it’s probably because not knowing this one secret was preventing him from attracting a super-hot woman despite his money and status!)

Why guys who are great friends, successful and great people don’t attract “total 10s”… and what to do if you’re one of those guys who has every part of his life together except for attracting women

How to design your life so the success you want with woman happens AUTOMATICALLY (In this program I’m going to share my proven methods for getting women to come into your life without having to do the actual “work” of going out to meet them)

A powerful exercise that completely redesigns your mental “blueprint” for meeting and attracting women (This simple trick practically FORCES you to become a “natural” with women by wiping your slate clean of any bad programming and replacing it with good. The best part is it only takes 7 minutes and the results stay with you forever)

How to discover the internal “game” you play to keep yourself from approaching women… and stop doing it! (No more kicking yourself after WUSSING OUT when you see a woman you’d like to meet!)

How to get over your issues with your PARENTS that are preventing your CURRENT success with women… and keep them from coming back and “messing with your head” in the future

A surefire way to keep yourself from ever feeling “helpless”… with women and in life

A fun game to play with your friends at a bar or nightclub that FORCES you to meet every hot woman in the place

Hilarious “pick up lines” that not only work, but actually reverse the roles and get her trying to pick YOU up

The evolutions of MASTERY with women… I’ll show you how to SKIP the “pick up artist” or “technician” stage and go straight from novice to NATURAL with women in just a few short months. (Armed with these insights you’ll be actually meeting and DATING ultra-hot women before your friends can even finish reading “The Game”)

An amazing “works every time” conversation tactic from the guy who married the hottest, nicest, most amazing woman I know (It’s a good thing for the rest of us that he is “off the market” because he may have been the best at meeting and attracting women… EVER!)

A simple change in your tonality that DOUBLES the chances of a woman responding positively to you when you approach her, call her to invite her to hang out, or even make a move to “get physical”

A big mistake guys make when learning this stuff that makes them come off as “weird” to women and also ruins their chances of finding a great relationship

What to do when you get in a fight with your significant lover to avoid destroying the relationship

A secret trick that will give you a huge advantage with a “total 10” (It’s no coincidence that all “naturals” do this unconsciously)

The things women in ALL cultures want in a man (This study involving thousands of women done across 37 countries will open your eyes to what women universally need and DEMAND when choosing a mate)

A secret older men can use to date much, much younger women (18 & over of course! Seriously, I’ve seen guys in their 50’s use this tactic to consistently date ladies in their 20’s and 30’s, no joke)

The 5 things you need to do to SCIENTIFICALLY increase your chances of landing a high quality woman (Women are biologically programmed to look for these 5 things in a man, so listen up)

The 5 scientific reasons why women will sometimes have “one night stands” and sleep with a man quickly (I know what you are thinking, and yes, you can use these secrets to get a woman into bed the same night you meet her)

The types of looks that grab women’s attention and make them see you as sexy

A surprising yet simple thing you can do that makes a women subconsciously want to get physical with you faster

The 6 reasons women cheat on their partners (If you want a woman to stay faithful to you it’s crucial that you know all 6 of these things)

2 “unfair” tricks that get a woman to automatically choose you over another man

11 most effective “Acts Of Attraction” for men (You’ll get my friend’s HOLY GRAIL of 11 instantly usable techniques for making a woman want you that are scientifically proven to work every time)

How to signal that you are “high mate quality” and “good long term potential” to a woman immediately upon meeting her without actually saying it

How to “dominate a rival” in front of a woman (This is ultra-effective when another guy is trying to compete for a woman right in front of you)

9 secrets to use when you think your woman might be talking to another guy that get her to think he is a LOSER and forget all about him!

A hilariously funny way to approach a woman that immediately conveys to her that you are SUPER HIGH VALUE and can have any woman you want (Use this to automatically trigger her “competitive instinct” and make her feel like she has to have you)

What to say when a girl asks if you’re gonna buy her a drink

The Rejecton Reversal! My friend’s amazing technique to use when a woman rejects you that not only turns the situation around and gets the two of you talking, but actually sparks her attraction for you when you do it (NEWSFLASH: Some super hot women get hit on so much that they start to reject men automatically. Use this secret to get past her defenses and showing her that you are a “catch”)

A step-by-step method for building a large circle of great friends FAST

Social mistakes that make people consider you a “social parasite”! If you find that you don’t get invited to functions very often it’s probably because you’re making one or more of these annoying faux pas

“How To Save Yourself 15 Years And A Hundred Thousand Dollars In Cash… And Still Wind Up More Successful With Women Than 95% Of The Men Who Have Ever Lived…”

Fifteen YEARS.

A hundred thousand bucks in CASH.

That’s how much time and money I estimate that I’ve invested in studying psychology, behavior, dating, relationships, and success.

Actually, the financial figure is low… but I don’t want to sound like I’m being unrealistic.

In that time, I’ve discovered what I now know are the REAL secrets to success with high-quality women… and I’m very excited to be sharing them with you.

Use the things I’m about to teach you. It’s taken me a long time to figure this stuff out… and it cost me a lot of money.

Why Does This Program
Contain 20 DVDs Of Material?

I’ve had several guys ask my why this program is so LONG compared to some of my others.

Well, it’s because I now believe that the fastest way to change is through IMMERSION... I’m talking about a TOTAL re-programming.

But there’s ONE key obstacle that stands in the way of transformation. That problem is that right now you are…

…Surrounded By Models Of Mediocrity!

Anytime you try to make a change to yourself, the people and circumstances around you (which make up your “comfort zone”) actively RESIST that change.

One of the most powerful and impactful ways of dramatically changing is to COMPLETELY IMMERSE yourself in a new mindset for an extended period of time.

And to that end, I’ve architected a complete, transformational process… I assembled a world-class group of guest trainers to assist in this transformation… and combined it all into a EXPERIENCE that will change the direction of your life FOREVER.

Listen… when you get this program, I actually want you to become a bit of a recluse for a few days and go through it as quickly as possible (and trust me, once you press “Play” it’s going to take to pull you away from this program… this is fun stuff…)

After spending the time to go through all of the powerful exercises in this training… you CAN’T NOT CHANGE.

This program isn’t a recorded seminar… it’s a TRANSFORMATION. And it requires a full 20 DVDs to get you the information to help you make that transformation.

So How Much Does This Program Cost?

If you have been waiting for this program since last year, then you know that I originally marketed this program under the name “The Ultimate Man”… and I originally priced the program at $5,000.00.

I had to cancel the program after I started marketing it, because I got busy with another training program I was doing (on the topic of marketing and business).

Now, I don’t like to complain, but it wasn’t fun canceling that program and refunding money (especially at $5,000.00 per person), but it had to be done.

Then, after working on the program for ANOTHER three months, I realized that I wanted this program to be my BIGGEST ever.

I want the energy in this program to be the most intense, most powerful, and most transforming… of any program I’ve ever done. And it WILL be…

So, in order to make sure that as many guys as possible can afford to make it, I’ve decided to price this program at what I consider to be a RIDICULOUSLY low level… of only $485.

Honestly, the material you’re going to learn in this program would cost you a hundred times that (at least) if you tried to put it all together yourself.

For my most powerful and advanced program EVER - this is truly a bargain.

And Finally, A 100% Money-Back Guarantee…

I realize that you might be a little skeptical of some of the things I’m saying here about “transformation” and reprogramming yourself for success.

I get it.

I’ve done many trainings before. And I know how to help you get results. But I’d like to offer you a guarantee - a PROMISE, really - that should help you make your decision.

If you go through this program, and you don’t feel that you’ve gotten at least ten TIMES the value you’ve invested, all you have to do is ask for a refund.

No questions, no hassles, and no problems. You’ll get all your money back.

Look, if you’re going to invest your time, money and energy, … then I’m going to guarantee to deliver a training and experience that’s going to get you the results you want with women… and I’m going to put my money where my mouth is.

Get the program out there. Go through it. If you’re not satisfied for any reason you get all your money back. It’s that simple.

Let’s Wrap This Up…

Here’s what you’ll get when you enroll in the Man Transformation Program:
20 DVDs packed with intensive “Transformational Training”

A handsome, leather-bound journal to track your progress

100% money-back guarantee - if you go through this training and don’t feel you got 10 times your money’s worth, just ask for a refund - and you’ll get all your money back with zero hassles, and no questions asked.

Special Man Transformation Bonus
Training Videos - If You Order
Man Transformation Today

I've created three very important bonuses, to help you in three KEY areas of life, success, health and attractiveness.

I think that it's CRITICAL for you to get these three specific areas handled if you want to become MOST attractive to the BEST women.

Bonus #1: "Ultimate Time Management And Productivity"

One of the biggest challenges in life right now is STAYING FOCUSED and managing your time. I've spent a lot of years studying the topic of time management and productivity - and I've created this killer training for you that will teach you all of the basics of managing your time and efforts...

I guarantee that this program will increase your results and productivity in life, work, and money DRAMATICALLY.

In fact, this program contains secrets and methods that you would have to spend hundreds (or maybe even thousands of dollars) to learn from other sources.

The value of the "Ultimate Time Management And Productivity" DVD training is $50... but you're going to get it as a bonus when you order Man Transformation on Monday.

Bonus #2: "Ultimate Business And Financial Success"

Over the years, a lot of guys have asked me about my "secrets" to success.

You might already know this, but I did a live business training seminar last year - and I charged BIG money for it (ten thousand dollars per person to attend).

It was a big success, and I had people fly in from all over the world to attend - but that's another story.

As you already know, business and financial success is a BIG piece of success as a man... and it's something that makes you more "naturally" attractive to a "Total 10" woman.

Let's face it, desirable women like men who have their "stuff together" in life. You don't have to be rich, but it helps to be able to TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF.

In this powerful DVD training, I'm going to take you behind the scenes and teach you some of the most important keys to success on a business and financial level.

I'm going to cover everything from mindsets about money and success, to very specific action steps that I've used in my life to make myself and others VERY big money.

This is like having a condensed "success library" in one video. I'm very proud of it. The value of this DVD training is $50... but again, you're going to get it as a bonus when you order Man Transformation on Monday.

Bonus #3: "Ultimate Health And Wellness"

The final "big piece of the puzzle" when it comes to becoming a man who is NATURALLY attractive to women is your HEALTH.

Women can INSTANTLY tell whether or not you FEEL GOOD - and whether or not you're healthy. As it turns out, it's not really that hard to get yourself into great health and physical shape.

Over the past few years, I've really learned a lot about health and wellness... and I decided to create a DVD training program to show you how I did it.

Don't worry - this isn't a weird, hippie, new- age program that says to only eat sprouts and tofu... and it isn't a program that teaches you to kill yourself running 50 miles a day.

In fact, I've found that when you really, REALLY understand the "drivers" of health and fitness, you can achieve very high levels of health with a SURPRISINGLY small "hassle factor" in life.

Now, I'm not a doctor - and this isn't medical advice I'm giving to you. I'm just sharing what I've found to work in my own life.

(I also want to mention, coincidentally... that the top guy in the WORLD when it comes to natural health and healing is in this DVD with me - and he'll give you his perspective as well...)

This program will teach you the basics of health and wellness, and help you start feeling great FAST.

The value of this DVD training is $50 - but again, you'll get it as a bonus when you order on Monday.

These three bonus DVD trainings are worth $150 together as a set - but you're going to get them as a free bonus when you purchase Man Transformation.

I believe this information is THAT important for your success creating attraction with those "Total 10" women that every man would like to attract.

Don’t Decide Now… Try My
Man Transformation Program
FREE For 30 Days

I’m so sure that you will love this program that I’m willing to do something that might seem a little bit CRAZY…

I’d like to send you a copy of this program to try for FREE. That’s right, FREE.

Here’s how it works:

I’d like to send you my Man Transformation DVD Home Study Course at MY RISK.

If you like it, keep it. You’ll be billed automatically. If you don’t like it, just send it back within 30 days, and you won’t be charged.

Can it get any better?

Of course it can…

I also realize that having to pay for this program all at once might stretch your current budget a little bit. So I’d like to extend the offer I made earlier to “sweeten this deal” and truly make it “an offer you’d be crazy to refuse”.

If you order right now, as I mentioned above, I’ll spread your payments out over FIVE MONTHS. You won’t make your first payment until 30 days after you order, and you’ll be automatically charged in FIVE equal monthly installments... AND I’ll pay for the shipping to send it to you!

I could not POSSIBLY make it any more easy or low risk for you.

When you click on a button below, you’ll be taken to a secure order page where you can order your program - just use a valid credit or debit card for your order.

Go through this program from beginning to end. You will see INSTANT RESULTS, and you WILL meet more women.

Use the materials all you want for up to 30 days at MY RISK.

If you decide that it’s not for you - for ANY REASON - just send it back and you pay NOTHING.

If you’d like to keep it (and I’m betting that you will), you don’t have to do anything. You’ll be billed automatically in FIVE easy payments.

I truly want to help you meet and date more great women. I get emails every day from guys who are using these materials to improve their success in the dating world, and I want to help you too.

If you’d prefer, you can ALSO order this program and make a single payment of $485 - and STILL get my “no questions asked” 100% money-back guarantee.

Either way, the only think you’ve got to lose is your frustration with women!

Click on one of these links now to order:

Credit and Debit Orders Only

As usual, if you have any questions, just go to our Support Page or send an email to questions@doubleyourdating.com.

There's no better time than RIGHT NOW to start improving your success with women and dating, and this is the most powerful program available to help you do it.

Just click a button above to order.

Your Friend,

David D.

P.S. This program is designed to transform you into the type of guy that the world’s most attractive women all secretly and not-so-secretly DREAM of getting and KEEPING. If you’re ready to join this elite club of men and start experiencing the type of success with women that most guys will only see in movies and on TV, grab this program now. I personally guarantee it will CHANGE YOUR LIFE, or I will gladly refund every cent of your money. You have no risk if this program doesn’t work for you.

P.P.S. If you need more convincing, check out the comments I got back from guys who were actually AT this program and are experiencing this amazing transformation for themselves:

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