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“true wealth is to know thyself” – Ivan Campuzano

What’s my purpose? This is a huge question and one that we should all tackle in our lives. If we are ever to really discover our purpose and find the deeper meaning of our existence, we must make an earnest effort in understanding our true nature. Self [...]

Learn More Discovering Your Life’s Purpose and Exploring Your Divine Nature
Posted on November 9th, 2009 by in Articles, Creating Your Vision, Featured Post, Law Of Attraction, Personal Development, Spiritual Growth
“true wealth is to know thyself” – Ivan Campuzano

What’s my purpose? This is a huge question and one that we should all tackle in our lives. If we are ever to really discover our purpose and find the deeper meaning of our existence, we must make an earnest effort in understanding our true nature. Self study and meditation will be your keys to the Kingdom.

First thing to realize is that you are not your body, you must be able understand this truth, not logically but experientially. Meditation if done with earnestness and unshakable determination will in time reveal this truth to you. Consciousness is your true identity which is one and the same with the universal consciousness and intelligence that permeates everything.

Once you have this experience that you are not your body you will realize that you where never born and will never die; only your body will wither away. Science is finally confirming many of the truths that the ancient sages and yogis have known for thousands of years.

You will realize that all your life you identified and derived your sense of self from your body, thoughts, and mind. It’s as if you believed you where the light bulb but your true identity was the electricity running through the bulb.

When you begin to study your inner space you will need to dis identify yourself from your thoughts (ego) to be able to observe how you work. Through meditation you will become the witness of your inner world, you will create the space and awareness necessary to become a passive observer. This is very difficult to describe with words but you will discover it on your own if you try, and this is how it should be because you should never rely on someone else to tell you what truth is. You will see that our inner space is full of contradictions; we are full of divisions, hundreds and hundreds of little ‘I’s.

Before going on your inner journey you believed you where one ‘I’, but you will see that you have many different personalities that exist independently of each other. This is why one part of you wants to do one thing and another part wants to do the complete opposite, yet you believed it was the same little voice that decided. With time you will see all the different ways we are able to lie to ourselves, all the subtle things that operate below our conscious awareness. The more contradictions you have the more mechanical you are and run on auto pilot. The more contradicting thoughts you have operating in your inner space the more asleep you are, as you remove these contradictions the more awake and conscious you will become.

On your next drive to work, when reaching your destination try and notice if you where truly awake or where largely lost in your imagination, thus operating in sleep mode. When you are living in your imagination you will see that you are not able to remember yourself. This is where we can all relate to the experience “I can’t believe I just did that”. You will never do anything that will make you feel bad when you are awake and remember yourself. The more you expand your consciousness the more self remembrance you will develop, your sense of “I am”. You will be able to observe and remember yourself at the same time. At the end of your day you will be able to recall your whole day with amazing clarity down to the smallest details.

If we are ever to live out our life’s purpose we must become centered in our true self and remove our inner contradictions. This is how you will really feel the power of focus. You will be able to think of your goal and direct your energies towards its attainment, without having contradictions that will sabotage your efforts.

When you are mechanical and asleep life just happens to you, even if you think you are the one who is doing. The more awake you become the more inspired actions you will be able to take which are in alignment with your higher self and higher purpose. You will slowly create a magnetic center that integrates all your inner divisions. This is how you will start to cultivate true will power.

As you develop a calm mind free of contradicting thoughts the more energy you will feel throughout your being. If you are constantly tired and lethargic you will see that you are full of self contradicting thoughts that are robbing you of your life force.

All the divisions that exist within you are different aspects of your ego; your ego will tell you that:

1. Who you are is what you have.
2. I am not what I have but what I do also. Because I am what I do my worth depends on my success which leads to competition with everyone and everything.
3. I am my reputation. Constantly worried about how others perceive you.
Who I am is separate from everyone else. I am also separate from all the things I want to have and experience. Finally it will try and convince you that you are separate from god.

You have to realize that you are always connected to a source. This source In the Hindu religion is known as Brahman. It is the unchanging, infinite reality which is the divine ground of all matter, energy, time, space, and being. In quantum physics it is referred to as the”zero-point field”. You connect to this source by removing your ego. When you achieve a state of no mind through meditation, a mind free of thoughts you will experience this source. You will experience an awareness free of all our worldly limitations. This is where true creativity manifests itself from.

When you begin to gain a deep understanding of your true nature your life’s purpose will start to become more clear to you.

You don’t attract what you want, you attract what you are. Therefore if you want to change your life you must transform your being.

Ultimately the purpose of your life is a life of purpose. We are all unique so we will all have our unique purpose, if you don’t know what your purpose is, it is your responsibility to find it or create it. The more responsible you become for every facet of your being, the more free you will be.

When you strive to improve the lives of others your own life will be elevated to a new vantage point. When you are in a place of genuine service, your ego is removed and the universe conspires to assist you. One way I have chosen to do this is by sharing my journey through some of my writings, in hopes that it will inspire someone to take their own inner journey to self empowerment. Maybe you will contribute an amazing painting or a beautiful song that will touch the lives of many. Everything you create do with the purpose of selfless service.

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Mahatma Gandhi

You must know your life’s aim and then take action from your magnetic center that is connected to your higher being. My life’s aim is to become a more conscious and awake being. From this state any contribution I make will be a blessing to me and the people I encounter.

We have all been granted a unique set of gifts and talents that will be meaningful and prove to be of immense value to the whole.

“The secret of success is constancy of purpose.” Benjamin Disreali

When you live a life of deep spiritual meaning your ambitions simply become ambitions with meaning. You need the mental clarity and power of setting defined goals and most importantly have the consciousness to act on them.

Developing trust in ones being will give you the courage to overcome fear and greed. Living your life from a place that is free of fear and greed is the path of your purpose. You will activate the non mechanical parts in your brain, and begin to develop and trust your intuition. Your intuition will give direction to your being when the next step is not clear. Learn to mother great things, right things, and right thoughts

As you begin to feel as one with the whole you will feel a deep reverence for existence. As you change your inner being, how the outside world responds to you will also change. Your purpose will be found in service, so the question then becomes how can you best serve?

A Purpose Driven Life’s 5 step process to a goals attainment:

1. Form a clear mental image of the outcome in its entirety. Not in your imagination, but a vivid visualization. The difference is that in visualization in your heart you also feel that it is possible.
2. Induce some positive pressure on yourself. You can accomplish this through a public pledge with the people who you value in your life.
3. Never set a goal without a timeline attached to it. Define your financial, social, spiritual goals. Use an idea book and picture book to keep you inspired and motivated.
4. Create an empowering habit designed to attain your goals. Make sure you bring complete awareness into it, don’t let it become a mechanical action. Little consistent actions will yield huge results.
5. Enjoy the process and keep growing. This life is an amazing adventure; make sure you learn from the ride in both the ups and downs.
Also please don’t accept or deny anything I have said, this is your life so go find out for yourself, truth cannot be given to you by anyone. We are all different so each journey will be different, ultimately the view from the top is the same, but getting there will be your own unique path.

Live from your true self and dedicate your life to your higher purpose and in the end you will see that your life made a difference and what deeper fulfillment can you find than this?

If you find my site valuable please pass it along to your friends and family. I really appreciate you helping me in my personal mission to empower as many people as I can.

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