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Discovering Your Life’s Purpose and Exploring Your Divine Nature
“true wealth is to know thyself” – Ivan Campuzano
What’s my purpose? This is a huge question and one that we should all tackle in our lives. If we are ever to really discover our purpose and find the deeper meaning of our existence, we must make an earnest effort in understanding our true nature. Self [...]
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Down The Rabbit Hole : How To Get Out of Wonderland
Posted on December 31st, 2008 by in Articles, Creating Your Vision, Law Of Attraction, Meditation, Personal Development, Spiritual Growth
“Let me tell you why you’re here. You’re here because you know something. What you know you can’t explain, but you feel it. You’ve felt it your entire life, that there’s something wrong with the world. You don’t know what it is, but its there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I’m talking about?” – Morpheus from the movie “The Matrix”
Photo:Fabian Nick
Down The Rabbit Hole : How To Get Out of Wonderland
Contemplate this for a moment everything you have ever learned has already been pre digested and presented to you since the moment you where born. What chance to do you have of separating truth from fiction. Ultimately how most people make sense of reality comes from the information that was trickled down by their parents. Your parents from their family and teachers. Your teachers from their professors and scientists and so on. There is a hierarchy to the source and quality of information.
Government and Religion is a form of control so obviously it is in their best interest to control the flow and content of information. So everything you think you know was purposefully made available to you and not always because it’s in your best interest. No matter what you think you know on a particular topic someone knows more than you unless you are at the very echelon of politics and organized religion.
All your life you have been lied to about what you really are. I am pretty sure deep down you have always felt there was something more to this life than what you where told growing up. Unless you understand your true nature, how you perceive the world and reality is merely an illusion. Our Government and Religion instead of empowering you has done everything in its power to keep you from the truth, because if you knew the truth their control over your mind and perception would cease.
Divide and conquer has been the mantra but more than just fighting religious wars the real war was over your mind. The reality is that we are unlimited beings, eternal spiritual beings having a physical experience. Your physical senses have also deceived you into thinking that what you see and touch is the only reality that exists. At the most fundamental level everything around you is energy, you are energy. You experience the world thinking you are separate from your environment but the truth is that you are an extension of it and inseparable. Jesus one of the great teachers said that you where made in the image of God.
“Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10)
What Jesus was referring to was to learn to be still and learn to recognize and acknowledge the presence of your consciousness without judgment (meditation can get you there). The universe is consciousness, God is pure consciousness. Your ultimate realization will be when you know and feel that your true identity is consciousness itself, rather than what your consciousness had identified with. The more you begin to live this, your awareness will expand liberating yourself from incessant thinking. This type of awareness will allow you to be in a position to take inspired actions, instead of just only thinking about doing something.
“…you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32
Remember you are not your thoughts and mind, only a certain aspect of you. Your whole life you have been locked and conditioned into deriving your sense of self only from your thoughts and mind. We are all creating reality together whether you believe that or not. The media influences your mind and therefore are able to create the reality that they wish to establish. The more you begin to shift your consciousness from thinking that you are just one person who is insignificant to the world, to the consciousness of a deliberate creator; you will begin to see how much power you have hidden from yourself.
You need to start reclaiming power from your external reality, and begin to develop trust in your self and learn to look for help within yourself. You experience and make sense of this world from the only perspective you have which is the observer. Instead of looking for solutions outside of yourself you need to learn to consult with your inner silence. Constantly growing and evolving your life from the inside out will keep you grounded, whenever you feel confused or stressed out you have become attached and given your power to something out side of yourself.
Your joy and suffering come from the perspective of self-centeredness. Expand your awareness and be aware of everything; feel the clarity that comes from understanding that the ultimate meaning you get depends on the level that it relates to your self-centeredness. The more that you are grounded in your center inner being, the more your external reality makes sense to you, and the better you respond to it. The moment that you realize your self-centered consciousness, you stop acting self-centered. Acting self-centered is wrong but being clear that you are self-centered is not wrong, by nature this is the only way you can perceive your reality.
Right action +wrong reason = wrong result
Inner awareness is critical to making appropriate decisions in your life. Without awareness, you will make decisions based on a previous experience, which may or not may be true in the present moment. When you have awareness of your inner decision-making process you will never be lost. This type of awareness leads to inspired actions.
Increasing you awareness:
One way is to begin paying attention to the vibration of your body.
Example: When you look at something, pay attention to how you feel and become aware of it. Learn to become the observer of your inner world without judgment. You need to discipline yourself to think only in terms of the unlimited and expanded. Speak only in reference to that mind state, until this becomes your common thought.
Ultimately everything you get in your life comes based on the conditions you set up. Learn to become aware of what those conditions are, than act accordingly. Pay attention to how the outside world starts to change according to the changes you made in yourself. This will give you a new type of confidence you may have never experienced. This is when random “coincidences” will take on a whole new meaning to you.
If you find my site valuable please pass it along to your friends and family. I really appreciate you helping me in my personal mission to empower as many people as I can.
“Be the change that you want to see in the world”- Mohandas Gandhi
“ The only goal worth attaining is complete freedom to be yourself,
without illusions and false beliefs” -Deepak Chopra
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Discovering Your Life’s Purpose and Exploring Your Divine Nature
“true wealth is to know thyself” – Ivan Campuzano
What’s my purpose? This is a huge question and one that we should all tackle in our lives. If we are ever to really discover our purpose and find the deeper meaning of our existence, we must make an earnest effort in understanding our true nature. Self [...]
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How To Increase Your Awareness and Expand Your Consciousness
Posted on February 5th, 2009 by in Articles, Creating Your Vision, Creativity, Leadership, Personal Development, Spiritual Growth
“The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.” Albert Einstein
When I take a look at our society as a whole and think about the stage of evolution that we are at, it amazes me how many problems still exist on earth. We have advanced tremendously in technology and commerce but one thing we have neglected to advance is the world’s consciousness, the ability to be awake in the world. Any problems we have come from a lack of awareness. If our politicians where really conscious there would be no question about right and wrong, they would be able to make the right decision. In pure awareness there is no dark only light. In fact if everyone was really awake and conscious the role of government would be very limited, because people would not depend on someone else to lead them.
We live in the age of information, but even with all the knowledge of the world at our fingertips what good does it really do us if we are not conscious and awake. The problem is that knowledge essentially binds us, the more knowledge a person gains the more asleep that he becomes. The more knowledge he gains the more entrenched his mind becomes in a certain way of thinking. He may think he is thinking outside of the box, it’s the same box; he just makes it look different.
“When I examine myself and my methods of thought, I come to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledge.”- Albert Einstein
Just really take a good look at the world around you; you will realize that most of the population is operating from a level where they are asleep. Today’s society has become extremely efficient at doing things with little to no awareness, we just run on auto pilot. Once you realize how much you really are operating on auto pilot in your day to day life, you will be able to search for ways to become more aware. Think about the very first time you where learning to drive, remember how engaged you where. You could feel every movement you made, you where fully present in what you where doing, you where in a state of heightened awareness. After a few weeks all your motions where effortless, you could look at your rear view mirror, adjust your stereo, and change gears with very little awareness.
Your mind has different levels of consciousness. First is your conscious mind, than behind your conscious mind is the subconscious mind. If you learn to pay close attention you can hear the sub consciousness’s whispers. Than behind the sub conscious mind is the unconscious. The unconscious is who you really are, behind your thinking mind, behind your body, the essence of your very nature. Behind the unconscious is the collective unconscious which is the whole of humanity’s evolution until now.
In order to become more conscious and aware and rise above the unconscious state, you need to experience being alert and awake. This is something you cannot just simply understand logically or philosophically, because it will only remain as an understanding of the unconscious.
“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”- Albert Einstein
It is going to take a real effort to wake yourself up, to discover your true potential, to become aware that you are far more than what you appear to be.
How Do You Start Becoming More Aware?
You have to learn to become observant and watchful. Learn to watch, observe and be a witness to every act you do, every thought that passes your mind. Watch every desire that bubbles up within you. Observe even seemingly little things likes your gestures, walking, talking, breathing, eating, everything can be an opportunity to watch.
You will realize that the more watchful that you become, that your internal chatter will become less and less. Your thoughts become more manageable and you gain a new clarity. A clear mind is a happy mind. As you grow in your awareness, your inner growth will explode because you begin to let the deepest parts of your being rise to the surface. You will also come to notice how much of your growth was being suppressed by the awareness of the whole (society) and dependent on others. At this lower level of awareness you observe how people mostly try and grow by means of arguing, simply trying to outwit, and out smart others on pure logic.
One day while drinking some coffee I observed two people arguing, the person who feels that he came on top is puffed up in his ego, and all he did was make a brilliant logical explanation to satisfy his own desires. The other person now feels bitter towards the other, did not accept the other person’s point of view, and still chooses to keep his own beliefs. I can see that both are oblivious to what actually happened, nothing was accomplished, but in their minds they felt something was accomplished. They where simply not aware of what was going on inside themselves, being lost on the inside is being lost on the outside.
Awareness Steps:
Step 1: The Body – learn to become aware of your body first.
Step 2: Your Thoughts - Once you become observant of your body, expand your awareness to observe and watch your thoughts.
Step 3: Feelings and Emotions – When you are able to watch your thoughts, learn to watch your feelings and emotions.
When you are watchful of your body, thoughts, feelings, and emotions your awareness will begin to operate from a state of inner harmony.
Step 4: Aware of your own awareness - When you live a life of inner harmony, that harmony allows you to be in a position to become of aware of your own awareness.
When you are able to be aware of your own awareness you will realize how cunning the mind is, and how great it is at rationalizing. Rationalizing is not awareness, awareness means that whatsoever is happening in the moment is happening with complete consciousness, that you are fully present.
The problem lies in that all the mind can do is think of the past and imagine the future. To be present and totally aware is to be in the space of no thought, dropping your analogical mind. Also try and understand that dropping the mind does not mean to be in a vegetative state, it is simply a space where you move into a deeper depth of understanding and perspective. Your mind is only able to work linearly, from point A to point B, from one thought to the next. If you move vertically that is a movement of consciousness, which is awareness.
Learn to continually bring your self to the present, when you catch yourself living in the past or imagining the future, bring your awareness back to the present moment. Do not feel bad when you realize you are not in the present, this is just a habit you need to gradually get out of until your new habit is being more in the present. One important thing to remember also is to not make the mistake of constantly thinking “how can I be in the present moment”, because this involves thinking; this is a very delicate line.
“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality.It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day.Never lose a holy curiosity.” – Albert Einstein
Communist Statue in Prague
With whatever you find yourself doing, learn to continuously be aware of whatever is going on inside you. The more you become aware of yourself doing what ever it is that you are doing, the more you become centered in your inner being. Once you begin to be stronger inside, you will develop a deeper feeling of the inner presence that you are. Your energies will become concentrated around this centered presence, and your true self is born. Ego is only a false sense of self, but if you don’t awaken your inner self you will go on believing that you have a self that is only your ego.
When you have little or no awareness of your inner world, you are a victim of circumstances because you operate only by reaction. From this level your physical senses rule, your physical senses only job is to respond. You only take action when something has been done to you. When you are grounded in your inner being you make a distance between your inner being and your physical senses. Something can affect your physical sense but cannot touch your inner self. When you take actions from the center, your actions are total and complete, inspired actions not hindered by past and future.
You will come to find that becoming a witness of your life will be something that should be done passively. Learn to do what you are doing non-verbally; verbalization is escaping from the experience. When you look at the Stars in the sky with awe and admiration you feel a deep connection of beauty within you. As soon as you try and verbalize what you are feeling and experiencing you remove yourself from it, because to verbalize is to think, and to think is to not be fully present. Learning to be non verbal in your internal world will make you the witness of your inner world. Language is only needed to communicate with others, but language is not needed to communicate with oneself.
Thoughts come and go, think of your mind as the host and your thoughts as the guests. Once you learn to watch, witness, and observe your thoughts you will be in a position of mastering your mind. Your thoughts are there but you are no longer a slave to your thoughts, you are the master of your thoughts. Don’t try and control your mind, this is impossible, just learn to become centered in your consciousness. Just watch don’t try and stop your mind, just observe it and allow it to happen on its own.
Being aware and clear headed will allow you to take responsible actions, because any action you take born out of awareness is total and complete. Any action you take will be action that arises from your watching.
Be Decisive:
Only awareness can be decisive because your mind only conceives possibilities and is constantly in a state of indecisiveness.
Many people strive to be a man or woman of character, but a man or woman of character only reacts. Character is mechanical because it operates from memory; moral conditioning on what is right and wrong. The problem with this is that life is constantly changing, it is never the same. But a man of character always responds with the same answers. A man of consciousness simply takes action, and whatever action he takes in the moment is natural and perfect for the situation.
Becoming a man of awareness will also allow you in seeing your own faults, the moment you become aware of your faults they will begin to disappear. They were only allowed to exist because you where unconscious of it. So don’t be worried about errors and mistakes in your life. Put all your energy and effort into becoming a more conscious awake being. In a state of pure awareness your faults can’t exist. Someone who tries to be a good person requires great effort. A conscious person needs no effort, living a conscious life makes you a good person.
Someone trying to be good is constantly judging himself and others, his inner world is one of continuous conflict. He condemns and represses and learns to hide it in the deepest parts of his being. You are good by just being aware. There is no question of whether what you do is good or bad, from awareness whatever you do is good. A person of awareness is calm, relaxed, quite, serene, creative, only good can come from these states of being. You will know when you become a person of awareness because you will quit watching others, that’s what everybody else does; all you need to do is watch yourself.
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