Sunday, February 14, 2010

my novel which is named Boban's adventures with life .. you read it tTHE GREATEST FRIENDS & HUMAN BEINGS I HAVE DISCOVERED IN THIS LIFE are MYSELF , MATHEW,TIPSON , VISWAJITH, SWAPPY ,BINNU, RAJESH, AJO KOSHY ,MARY POORNIMA SEBASTIANand probably there are somemore including my wonderful parents!I wish to earn more money to support myself , my dreams and my family .i also don't want to ask my parent s for any more money . i just wish to have a great life partner who's intelligent goddessJLO , Enrique , Riahana ,Beyone , maria carehy& ofcourse my own songs and lyrics, my stage shows etc .Friends , OC , Joey , The Apprentice , Boston Legal50 first dates , Once upon a time in Mexico ,angerchinese , north indian , european management

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